AI co-write: Calico Jack's compass and Kwazii gets lost in a storm

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⚠️just an au⚠️

one day, Kwazii was walking around and checking out his grandfather's compass, it was kind of old so he was checking to see if it worked, a roar scared him making him drop it, he looked at it, it was broken, he ran somewhere and tried to fix it, he couldn't.

he walked back to the cabin and put it in the drawer, hopefully his grandfather wouldn't notice it had broke... until a while anyways.

Calico Jack walked in after kwazii left the room and opened the drawer, and found the compass he walked over to kwazii, who was lying on the bed. 

Calico Jack walked over to Kwazii, who was lying on the bed. He held the broken compass in his hand and asked, "Kwazii, do you know anything about this?"

Kwazii looked up and saw the compass. He felt a surge of panic and guilt. He quickly shook his head and said, "No, Grandpa, I don't. Why? What's wrong with it?"

Calico Jack frowned and said, "Don't lie to me, lad. I know you were the last one to touch it. I saw you sneaking into my cabin and taking it out of the drawer. You broke it, didn't you?"

Kwazii felt his face turn red. He knew he was caught, but he didn't want to admit it. He said, "No, Grandpa, I swear. I didn't break it. It was already broken when I found it. Maybe someone else did it."

Calico Jack shook his head and said, "Kwazii, you're a terrible liar. You can't fool me. I know this compass better than anyone. It was working fine this morning when I used it. You must have dropped it or hit it against something. You were careless and reckless with my most precious possession."

Kwazii felt his anger rise. He didn't like being accused and scolded by his grandfather. He said, "Grandpa, you're being unfair. It was an accident. I didn't mean to break it. I was just curious about it. I wanted to see how it works. You never let me touch it or use it."

Calico Jack said, "That's because it's not a toy, Kwazii. It's a valuable and important tool for a pirate. It's been in our family for generations. It belonged to your great-great-grandfather, who was the first pirate to sail the seven seas. He gave it to me when I was your age, and I've kept it ever since. It's helped me navigate through many storms and dangers. It's more than just a compass, Kwazii. It's a symbol of our heritage and legacy."

Kwazii said, "Well, maybe you should have shared it with me then. Maybe you should have taught me how to use it and respect it. Maybe you should have trusted me with it."

Calico Jack said, "I would have done that, Kwazii, if you had shown me that you were ready and worthy of it. But you haven't done that, Kwazii. You've been irresponsible and dishonest with me. You've broken my compass and lied to my face about it. You've lost my respect, Kwazii."

Kwazii felt a sting in his chest. He couldn't believe that his grandfather would say such harsh words to him. He loved his grandfather more than anyone in the world. He wanted to make him proud and happy. But he felt like he had failed him and disappointed him.

He couldn't stand to look at him anymore. He got up from the bed and ran out of the cabin.

He ran past the other octonauts who were in the launch bay.

He ran into the Gup-B and started the engine.

He ran away from the Octopod.

He ran away from his grandfather.

He ran away from his problem.

He didn't know where he was going.

He didn't care where he was going.

He just wanted to get away from everything.

He didn't notice that the sky was getting darker.

He didn't notice that the wind was getting stronger.

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