AI co-write: Games and weird game-trap-thing

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⚠️just an au⚠️

❌Kinda based off other stories in this book❌

One day, Barnacles was trying to teach kwazii something, but Kwazii found he already knew a little about it and snuck away, and hid in his room, Calico Jack walked in and looked at Kwazii "what do I hear about you skipping Barnacles's lesson today..?" Calico Jack asked.. 

Kwazii looked at Calico Jack and shrugged. He said:

"What's the big deal, grandpa? I already know everything Barnacles was teaching. It was boring and easy. I don't need to waste my time on that. I'd rather play some games and have some fun."

Calico Jack frowned and said:

"That's not the right attitude, Kwazii. Learning is not a waste of time, it's a valuable and rewarding activity. You can always learn something new and useful, no matter how much you think you know. And games are not the only way to have fun, there are many other things you can do that are more meaningful and enjoyable."

Kwazii rolled his eyes and said:

"Meaningful and enjoyable? Like what? Reading books? Doing puzzles? Meditating? No thanks, grandpa. Those things are dull and lame. I like games because they are exciting and cool. They make me feel alive and happy."

Calico Jack shook his head and said:

"Games are not as exciting and cool as you think, Kwazii. They are just illusions and distractions. They make you feel alive and happy for a moment, but they don't last. They don't teach you anything or help you grow. They don't prepare you for the real world or the real challenges."

Kwazii snorted and said:

"Real world? Real challenges? What do you know about that, grandpa? You're just an old pirate who lives in the past. You don't understand me or my games. You don't know how to have fun or be free."

They stared at each other with anger and frustration in their eyes.

They had reached their disagreement.

They had started their fight.

after a while of fighting, Calico Jack left the room, and kwazii used the chance to run away, he didn't feel wanted.... 

he got a way away from the octopod when he found a weird device, it looked like a gaming device, but it sucked him in....

Meanwhile, Calico Jack was talking to barnacles.. 

 After a while of fighting, Calico Jack left the room, and Kwazii used the chance to run away. He didn't feel wanted.

He got away from the Octopod and swam around the ocean. He felt bored and lonely. He wished he had something to do or someone to play with.

He saw a weird device lying on the seafloor. It looked like a gaming device, but it was different from any he had seen before. It had a large screen and a lot of buttons and knobs. It also had a pair of goggles and a pair of gloves attached to it.

Kwazii was curious and excited. He thought that maybe this was a new and cool game that he could try. He picked up the device and put on the goggles and the gloves. He turned on the device and saw a message on the screen.

"Welcome to VR World, the ultimate virtual reality game. Choose your adventure and enter a world of your dreams. Be careful, though, this game is not for the faint of heart. Are you ready to play?"

Kwazii smiled and said:

"Am I ready to play? You bet I am! This sounds awesome!"

He pressed the button that said "Play" and waited for the game to start.

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