AI co-write: A Traumatic Love Story: The Tale of Kwazii and Pearl

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⚠️Just an au⚠️😈

❌Ships: Kwazii ✖️♀️ oc❌

One night, Kwazii woke up Screaming, Barnacles walked into his room, wondering what he was screaming for "just a nightmare... about Pearl and the pirate king..." Kwazii said "what about him?" Barnacles asked...

Barnacles sat down on Kwazii's bed and looked at him with concern. "Kwazii, who is Pearl and what does she have to do with the Pirate King?" he asked gently. Kwazii sighed and rubbed his eyes. He knew he had to tell Barnacles the truth, but he was afraid of how he would react. "Pearl is... she was... my girlfriend," he said softly. "She's the daughter of the Pirate King, the most feared and powerful pirate in the ocean." Barnacles gasped and widened his eyes. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You were in love with the enemy's daughter?" he asked incredulously. Kwazii nodded and continued. "We met when we were both young and curious. We explored the ocean together and shared our dreams and secrets. We fell in love, but we had to keep it a secret from our families and crews. We thought we could be happy, but we were wrong." He paused and swallowed hard. "One day, the Pirate King found out about us and captured me. He tortured me for information and threatened to kill me if I didn't tell him where Pearl was. I refused to betray her, and I managed to escape, but I never saw her again." He looked at Barnacles with tears in his eyes. "I joined the Octonauts because I wanted to forget my past and do good in the world. But I never told you or anyone else about it, because I was ashamed and afraid of what you would think of me." He hung his head and waited for Barnacles to say something.

"Or are you a spy? if she is your girlfriend..." Barnacles growled glaring, starting a meeting with the other octonauts to talk about the suspiciousness about the dream and how kwazii was with the daughter of the enemy. 

 Kwazii was shocked and hurt by Barnacles' accusation. He couldn't believe that his friend and leader would doubt him so easily. "Barnacles, I'm not a spy! I swear!" he protested. "I love the Octonauts, and I would never do anything to harm you or anyone else!" Barnacles shook his head and frowned. "I'm sorry, Kwazii, but I can't trust you anymore. You've been lying to us all this time, and you've put us in danger. The Pirate King is still looking for you, and he won't stop until he finds you. He might even attack the Octopod to get to you. How do I know that you're not working for him, or that you won't betray us to him?" He turned to the other Octonauts, who were watching the scene with mixed emotions. "Octonauts, we have a serious problem. Kwazii has been hiding a secret from us. He used to be in love with the Pirate King's daughter, Pearl, and he's still in contact with her. He might be a spy for the Pirate King, or he might be planning to betray us to him. We can't let him stay in the Octopod any longer. We have to exile him." The other Octonauts gasped and looked at Kwazii with disbelief and suspicion. They couldn't believe that their friend and crewmate was a potential traitor. They felt betrayed and angry, but also sad and confused. They didn't know what to say or do. Kwazii felt a surge of panic and desperation. He tried to explain himself and plead for their forgiveness, but they wouldn't listen to him. They told him to pack his things and leave the Octopod immediately. They escorted him to the Launch Bay and watched him board the Gup-B. They then closed the hatch and locked it behind him. Kwazii felt tears streaming down his face as he looked at his former friends through the glass window. He wanted to hug them and tell them that he loved them, but he knew it was too late. He started the engine and flew away from the Octopod, feeling alone and lost.

he soon ran into a ship, it was his grandfather's he went over, it would be nice to see somebody he knew and loved...

Kwazii flew the Gup-B for a while, feeling lonely and hopeless. He didn't know where to go or what to do. He had lost his friends, his home, and his purpose. He wondered if anyone still cared about him, or if he would ever be happy again. He was about to give up, when he saw a familiar sight in the distance. It was his grandfather's ship, the Black Guppy. He felt a spark of hope and curiosity. He decided to go over and see if his grandfather was there. He thought it would be nice to see somebody he knew and loved, and maybe get some advice and comfort.

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