AI co-write: The Secret of Kwazii and The Curse of Crocket

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⚠️just an au⚠️

⚠️adopted kwazii au 🥲 that makes no sense⚠️

Calico Jack looked at Kwazii "are you looking for something?" Calico Jack asked "uhm... ye- No... no I'm not" Kwazii replied "you're lying what are you looking for?" Calico Jack asked, Kwazii turned away, Would Calico Jack Accept the truth? "I-I I'm looking for... my photo book that I made with Crocket" Kwazii Siad "that cat-pirate who I told you to stay away from?" Calico Jack asked "yes, he's my best friand he's my future... Matey... Teammate" Kwazii said, Crocket was the only cat to be by his side before the octonauts, but Calico Jack didn't know that... and he didn't seem to like Crocket either... Calico Jack growled, he was not gonna let Crocket hurt kwazii..

Calico Jack growled, he was not going to let Crocket hurt Kwazii. He knew Crocket was a bad influence on Kwazii, a troublemaker who only cared about himself. He had seen how Crocket would drag Kwazii into dangerous and illegal adventures, how he would make fun of the Octonauts and their missions, how he would tempt Kwazii to leave his family and join his pirate crew. He didn't trust Crocket, and he didn't want Kwazii to be with him.

"Kwazii, you can't be serious. You can't go with Crocket. He's a rogue, a scoundrel, a villain. He doesn't care about you. He only wants to use you for his own gain," Calico Jack said.

"That's not true! Crocket is my friend! He understands me! He respects me! He supports me! He's the only one who does!" Kwazii said.

"What are you talking about? We all understand you, respect you, support you! We're your family, Kwazii! We love you!" Calico Jack said.

"No, you don't! You don't understand me at all! You don't respect my dreams! You don't support my choices! You don't love me for who I am!" Kwazii said.

"That's nonsense, Kwazii! Of course we do! We want what's best for you!" Calico Jack said.

"No, you don't! You want what's best for you! You want me to stay here, in this boring Octopod, doing the same old things every day, never having any fun, never living my life!" Kwazii said.

"That's not true, Kwazii! We have fun here, we have adventures here, we have a life here!" Calico Jack said.

"No, we don't! We have chores here, we have rules here, we have a prison here!" Kwazii said.

"Kwazii, stop it! You're being unreasonable! You're being ungrateful! You're being selfish!" Calico Jack said.

"Me? Selfish? What about you? You're the selfish one! You're the one who wants to keep me here, to control me, to stifle me!" Kwazii said.

"Kwazii, that's enough! I'm your grandfather, and I know what's best for you! And what's best for you is to stay away from Crocket and his pirate crew!" Calico Jack said.

"No, you don't know what's best for me! You don't know anything about me! And I'm not your grandson! I'm not even related to you!" Kwazii said.

He pulled out a locket from his neck and opened it. It showed a picture of a young human boy and a woman. "This is me. This is my mother. She died when I was a baby. And this is my father." He flipped the locket and showed another picture of a man with a beard and a hat. "He was a pirate captain. He abandoned me when I was a kid. He never came back for me. He never loved me."

He looked at Calico Jack with tears in his eyes. "You see? I'm not your grandson. I'm not your family. I'm an orphan. A nobody. A mistake."

He threw the locket at Calico Jack and ran away from him. He didn't look back as he boarded his mini-sub and sped away from the Octopod.

Calico Jack watched him go, feeling a surge of pain and shock. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. He stared at the locket in his hand and felt his heart break.

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