AI co-write: Striped storm sea snake effects on kwazii, oh no

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🐍made up creature: Striped storm sea snake🐍

one day, Kwazii was diving around when he felt a bite on his leg, he looked back and saw a snake, it was a gray snake with lighter gray tripes and strange darker gray stripes that mixed together that looked like a storm.

he swam back to the octopod; he didn't tell the other octonauts about the bite... he also started to have anxiety towards them.

Kwazii felt a sharp pain in his leg as he swam back to the Octopod. He looked at the wound and saw two small punctures that were bleeding slightly. He wrapped a bandage around his leg and hoped that it would heal soon.

He didn't tell the other Octonauts about the bite. He didn't want them to worry or fuss over him. He also didn't want them to find out about the snake. He had never seen such a snake before, and he didn't know what it was or what it could do to him.

He tried to act normal and carry on with his duties as an Octonaut. But he soon realized that something was wrong with him. He started to feel anxious and nervous around his friends. He felt like they were judging him, mocking him, or plotting against him. He heard whispers and laughter that weren't there. He saw shadows and shapes that moved in the corners of his eyes.

He became paranoid and distrustful of everyone. He avoided talking to them or spending time with them. He locked himself in his cabin or went out on solo missions. He lied and made excuses to get away from them. He even snapped at them or ignored them when they tried to talk to him.

The other Octonauts noticed Kwazii's strange behavior and became concerned. They wondered what was wrong with him and why he was acting so differently. They tried to help him and cheer him up, but he pushed them away or shut them out.

They also noticed that Kwazii's leg was injured and bandaged. They asked him what happened, but he refused to tell them. He said it was nothing, just a scratch from a coral. He said he was fine, just a bit tired.

They didn't believe him, but they didn't know how to make him open up or trust them. They decided to call Calico Jack, Kwazii's grandfather and mentor, for advice.

Calico Jack was a famous cat pirate who had traveled the seven seas and had many adventures. He was also an expert on sea snakes and their venoms. He had taught Kwazii everything he knew about being a pirate and an explorer.

When Calico Jack heard about Kwazii's situation, he immediately suspected that he had been bitten by a venomous sea snake. He asked the Octonauts to describe the snake that Kwazii had encountered.

They told him that they had never seen the snake, but they had found a scale that Kwazii had dropped in his cabin. It was gray with lighter gray stripes and darker gray swirls.

Calico Jack recognized the scale as belonging to the stripe storm sea snake, one of the most rare and dangerous sea snakes in the world.

He told the Octonauts that the stripe storm sea snake had a powerful venom that affected the mind and the emotions of its victim. It caused anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions in the victim, making them feel like they were in a constant storm of fear and doubt.

He also told them that there was no known antidote for the venom, but there was a way to cure it. The only way to cure it was to make the victim face their fears and overcome them with courage and love.

He said that they had to find Kwazii and help him realize that he was not alone or in danger, but surrounded by friends who cared for him and supported him.

He said that they had to act fast, because the venom would only get worse over time, until it drove Kwazii mad or killed him.

He said that he would join them as soon as possible, but they had to start looking for Kwazii right away.

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