AI co-write: The Firework Fiasco: Kwazii's Journey from Exile

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⚠️just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii was helping Peso in the medical bay when he accidentally set off a firework that he didn't see was there, Peso got startled and dropped a bottle, a bottle of medicine. The medicine spills on the floor and creates a toxic gas.

Kwazii, Peso and Peso's patients began to cough, and Peso helps the patients out, but he doesn't see that kwazii helped a little too, the octonauts glared at kwazii after peso told them what he did....

Kwazii felt hurt and confused by the Octonauts' angry looks. He tried to explain that he didn't mean to set off the firework, but they wouldn't listen. They accused him of being reckless, irresponsible, and dangerous. They told him that he was no longer welcome in the Octopod and that he should leave immediately.

Kwazii couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had always been loyal, brave, and helpful to the Octonauts. He loved them like his own family. How could they turn on him so quickly and harshly? He felt a surge of anger and sadness. He decided that he didn't need them anymore. He grabbed his pirate hat and ran out of the Octopod, slamming the door behind him.

He didn't know where he was going. He just wanted to get away from the Octonauts and their accusations. He swam aimlessly until he reached a jungle island. He climbed out of the water and walked into the dense vegetation. He hoped to find some peace and quiet there.

He was wrong.

As he walked through the jungle, he heard a hissing sound behind him. He turned around and saw a large snake with red and black stripes. It had fangs dripping with venom. It looked hungry and angry. It lunged at Kwazii, who barely dodged its attack.

Kwazii ran for his life, but the snake was faster. It chased him through the jungle, snapping at his heels. Kwazii tried to find a way out, but he was lost. He didn't know where he was or how to get back to the water.

He stumbled into a clearing, where he saw a large tree with a hollow trunk. He thought it might be a good hiding place. He ran towards it, hoping to escape the snake.

He was wrong again.

As he reached the tree, he felt a sharp pain in his leg. He looked down and saw blood dripping from a bite wound. The snake had caught up with him and bitten him in the calf. Kwazii felt a wave of nausea and dizziness. He knew he had been poisoned.

He fell to the ground, clutching his leg. He screamed in agony, hoping that someone would hear him and help him.

He didn't know that someone did hear him.

His pirate grandfather Calico Jack, who had been sailing nearby, heard his cry for help. He recognized his voice and rushed to the island. He followed the sound of his scream until he found him lying on the ground, surrounded by the snake.

Calico Jack wasted no time. He grabbed his sword and slashed at the snake, cutting off its head. He then picked up Kwazii and carried him back to his ship.

He called the Octopod on his radio and told them what had happened. He told them that Kwazii was in critical condition and needed urgent medical attention.

He also told them that they had made a terrible mistake.

The Octonauts were shocked and ashamed when they heard Calico Jack's story. They realized that they had been wrong about Kwazii and that they had treated him unfairly. They apologized profusely and begged for forgiveness.

They also asked Calico Jack to bring Kwazii back to the Octopod as soon as possible.

They wanted to see him again.

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