AI co-write: Cave trip gone bad

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⚠️just an au⚠️

Calico Jack followed kwazii into the cave, they were on a mission given to them from barnacles to check the cave for critters who needed help, Kwazii looked around, he saw a few strange spots, he walked close to the wall with the strange spots while calico jack followed from the other side, he looked at the wall and found it strange that there were weird plant-looking spots.

he followed kwazii, staying away from the stops, he looked at kwazii.

Kwazii reached out to touch one of the spots, curious about what it was. He felt a soft and fuzzy texture, like a mushroom. He pressed harder, and suddenly, a cloud of dust erupted from the spot.

"Ah!" Kwazii exclaimed, covering his mouth and nose. He coughed and sneezed, trying to get rid of the dust.

"Kwazii!" Calico Jack shouted, running towards him. "Are you alright?"

Kwazii nodded, still coughing. He wiped his eyes, which were watering from the dust.

"I'm fine, Grandpa," he said. "Just a bit dusty."

Calico Jack looked at the spot that Kwazii had touched. He saw that it was a fungus, and that it had released spores when Kwazii had disturbed it.

"Kwazii, lad, that's not dust," he said. "That's fungus spores. They can be very dangerous if you breathe them in."

Kwazii frowned, feeling a tickle in his throat.

"What do you mean, Grandpa?" he asked.

Calico Jack explained that some fungi could cause infections or allergies in the lungs or other organs if their spores were inhaled. He said that they should get out of the cave as soon as possible and seek medical attention.

"Come on, lad, let's go," he said, grabbing Kwazii's hand.

They hurried out of the cave, avoiding the other spots of fungus. Kwazii felt his chest tighten and his breathing become more difficult. He wheezed and gasped, feeling dizzy and weak.

"Grandpa...I can't breathe..." he said.

Calico Jack looked at him with concern. He saw that Kwazii's face was pale and sweaty, and that his lips were turning blue.

"Kwazii!" he said. "Hang on, lad. We're almost out."

He carried Kwazii in his arms and ran towards the exit of the cave. He saw the sunlight shining through the opening and felt a surge of relief.

He reached the outside and laid Kwazii down on the ground. He took out his communicator and called for help.

"Octopod, this is Calico Jack," he said. "We have an emergency. Kwazii has inhaled some fungus spores and he's having trouble breathing. We need a medic right away."

He heard Barnacles' voice on the other end.

"Calico Jack, we hear you loud and clear," Barnacles said. "We're sending Peso to your location right now. Hang in there."

Calico Jack thanked him and ended the call. He looked at Kwazii, who was barely conscious.

"Kwazii, lad, stay with me," he said. "You're going to be alright."

He held Kwazii's hand and stroked his head, trying to comfort him.

He hoped that Peso would arrive soon.

He hoped that Kwazii would be okay.

Kwazii looked at his grandfather, kwazii coughed and gasped, he started to close his eyes, Calico jack looked at Kwazii and put his paw on his shoulder.

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