Ai-co-write: Vecna tries to use kwazii

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✖️Stranger things ❌octonauts, ai co-written✖️

Calico Jack led kwazii through Hawkin's, Kwazii shivered as he did not want to be he here, but he couldn't tell his grandfather he had powers, he might not accept him! "You Okay, lad? you seem to not like it here..." Calico Jack asked "uhm, it's just different from what I'm used to, I'm fine" Kwazii lied "I'm here, and soon you'll have other friands... who will help you Feel better about this part of the world" Calico Jack said as he saw the kids arriving, Kwazii saw Eleven and felt a ping of fear, did Eleven tell anybody over the years or has she forgotten him? Eleven soon hugged him "Hi... Seventeen" she whispered Making sure nobody heard them, Kwazii smiled as he saw eleven, he missed her... Calico Jack smiled as he saw them being friands "come on, follow us" Mike said as he led them to a field. 

Mike led Kwazii, Eleven, and Calico Jack to a field, where Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Will were waiting for them. They had set up a makeshift camp with tents, blankets, and snacks. They greeted the newcomers warmly, and introduced themselves to Kwazii and Calico Jack.

"Hey, I'm Dustin. This is Lucas, Max, and Will. We're the best friends you'll ever have." Dustin said with a grin.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kwazii, and this is my grandfather, Calico Jack." Kwazii said politely.

"Wow, you have a cool accent. Where are you from?" Max asked.

"I'm from... uh... England." Kwazii lied.

"Really? What part?" Lucas asked.

"Uh... the... south part." Kwazii said vaguely.

"Wow, that's awesome. I've always wanted to go to England." Will said.

"Yeah, me too. Maybe someday we can visit." Mike said.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" Eleven asked.

"Well, we're here to have some fun. We've been bored lately, so we decided to camp out here for a while.

We have some games, some music, some comics... you know, the usual stuff." Dustin said.

"Yeah, and we also have a surprise for you guys." Lucas said.

"A surprise? What kind of surprise?" Eleven asked.

"You'll see. Come on, follow us." Lucas said.

He led them to a nearby barn, where they had hidden something big under a tarp. He pulled the tarp off, revealing a large metal device with wires and buttons.

"Behold! The portal opener!" Dustin announced proudly.

"The what?" Kwazii asked.

"The portal opener. It's a device that can open a portal to another dimension. We built it ourselves." Dustin explained.

"Another dimension? Like the Upside Down?" Eleven asked.

"No, not like the Upside Down. Something better. Something cooler. Something more awesome." Dustin said.

"What do you mean?" Mike asked.

"Well, we don't know exactly what it is. But we have a theory. We think it's a dimension where all our favorite stories are real. Where we can meet our heroes and villains and have amazing adventures." Dustin said.

"That sounds incredible. How did you come up with that?" Calico Jack asked.

"Well, we found this book in the library. It's called The Chronicles of Narnia. It's about these kids who find a wardrobe that leads them to a magical world called Narnia. There they meet talking animals, witches, lions, and all kinds of creatures. They also help fight a war against an evil queen." Dustin said.

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