AI co-write: Ice wolves, icy curses, and ice queens?

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⚠️just an au⚠️

❄️Basically like the story: The Ice Crystal Curse: an Frozen Mystery❄️

Kwazii sighs as he walked around the octopod, he accidently pushed over a small device on shelf, it fell on the floor and broke, Kwazii recognized it as Barnacle's storm Drone, witch barnacles often used to send out into storms... to look for the other octonauts when they are missing... 

Barnacles walked into the room and saw it destroyed, he felt a sudden surge of anger, Barnacles glared at Kwazii "KWAZII! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID?" Barnacles growled, Kwazii looked away "I'm sorry..." Kwazii said "sorry is not enough, not only could-" Barnacles let his worry and anger control him and slapped kwazii.

Kwazii gasped as he felt the sting of Barnacles' slap on his cheek. He couldn't believe that his friend and captain would hit him like that. He felt tears welling up in his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away. He didn't want to show any weakness or hurt in front of Barnacles.

"Kwazii, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Barnacles tried to apologize, but Kwazii cut him off.

"No, you're not sorry! You're just angry and disappointed in me! You always are! You think I'm a useless and reckless pirate who can't do anything right!" Kwazii shouted, his voice cracking with emotion.

"That's not true, Kwazii. You're a valuable and brave octonaut who has done many amazing things. I'm just worried about you and the others. The storm drone is very important for our missions. It helps us locate and rescue our friends when they are in trouble. Without it, we might lose them forever." Barnacles explained, trying to calm Kwazii down.

"Well, maybe you should lose me forever! Maybe you'd be better off without me! Maybe I should just leave the octonauts and go back to being a pirate!" Kwazii said, his anger getting the better of him.

"Kwazii, don't say that. You don't mean that. You're part of our family. We love you and we need you." Barnacles said, reaching out to hug Kwazii.

But Kwazii pushed him away and ran out of the room. He grabbed his backpack and his spyglass and headed for the launch bay. He didn't care where he was going, he just wanted to get away from Barnacles and the octopod. He jumped into the gup-b and sped off into the ocean.

Barnacles watched him go with a mix of regret and concern. He wanted to go after him and make things right, but he also knew that Kwazii needed some space and time to cool off. He hoped that Kwazii would come back soon and that they could talk things over.

Little did he know that Kwazii was heading for a dangerous and icy adventure that would put his life at risk...

Barnacles sighed, and careful picked up the drone - being careful not to touch anything that could electrocute him, and brought it to Tweak... Tweak noticed that the captain was stressing over something and asked if he was alright. 

Barnacles looked at Tweak, he didn't know what to say.... 

meanwhile, Kwazii had randomly gone to the Arctic, where he met a strange wolf, he had Misty blue eyes and misty-icy-blue fur.

"hello?" Kwazii said "ah, Hello traveler..." the wolf Said "my name is Frostmane... come on follow me you must be freezing..." Frostmane said... 


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