Ai co-write: Prank Moonlight-stream

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❌im too boerd lol❌

🕷️made up spider: Moonlight stream |Harmless au|🕷️

Calico Jack watched kwazii walk into his room and hid behind the door, he hoped this prank would help kwazii overcome his spider-fear, after kwazii took off his eye patch, calico Jack quickly grabbed it, and switched it for the one he put the Moonlight stream in, it was a harmless spider A small, shiny spider with six blue eyes and silver legs. It has a sticky web that can trap anything that touches it. It likes to spin intricate patterns and decorate them with shiny objects.

Kwazii didn't notice what his grandfather had done, he put on the eyepatch and felt the spider, he screamed jumped back and quick took it off, he felt the spider bite him and he jumped back when it did, he quickly collapsed, he coughed. 

Calico Jack heard Kwazii's scream and ran into the room, expecting to see him laughing at his prank. Instead, he saw him lying on the floor, clutching his eye and coughing. He saw the spider crawling away from him and realized that it had bitten him. He felt a surge of panic and guilt, wondering what he had done.

"Kwazii! Kwazii, are you okay?" he shouted, rushing to his side. He lifted his head and looked into his eye, which was swollen and red. He saw tears streaming down his face and heard him wheezing.

" hurts...I can't breathe..." Kwazii gasped, looking at him with fear and pain.

"Shh, shh, it's okay, lad. I'm here, I'm here. It was just a prank, a stupid prank. I'm so sorry, I didn't know it would bite you. I didn't know you were allergic to it. Hang in there, okay? I'll get you some help. Just stay with me, please." Calico Jack said, trying to calm him down. He grabbed his communicator and called for help.

"Octonauts! Octonauts! This is Calico Jack. I need your help! Kwazii's been bitten by a spider and he's having an allergic reaction. He's in his cabin. Hurry!" he yelled into the device.

"Calico Jack? This is Captain Barnacles. We're on our way. Hold on." Barnacles replied.

Calico Jack hugged Kwazii and stroked his hair, whispering words of comfort and apology. He hoped that the Octonauts would arrive soon and save his grandson's life. He hoped that Kwazii would forgive him for his prank. He hoped that he hadn't gone too far this time.

kwazii coughed, wheezed and gasped more, Calico Jack held him close, what had he done to his grandson? he just wanted him to smile...

Kwazii looked at his grandfather, he could only see through one eye due to the swelling. 

Kwazii looked at his grandfather, he could only see through one eye due to the swelling. He saw the regret and worry on his face, and felt a pang of sadness. He knew that he had only meant to prank him, not to hurt him. He knew that he loved him, even if he sometimes acted like a jerk. He wanted to tell him that he forgave him, that he didn't blame him, that he loved him too. But he couldn't speak, he could barely breathe. He felt his vision fading and his body weakening. He felt like he was going to die.

He reached out his hand and touched his grandfather's cheek, trying to convey his feelings with his gesture. He smiled weakly and closed his eye, hoping that it wouldn't be the last time he saw him.

Calico Jack felt Kwazii's hand on his face and looked at him with tears in his eyes. He saw his smile and felt his grip loosening. He felt a surge of fear and desperation, wondering if he was losing him.

"Kwazii! Kwazii, don't you dare close your eye on me! Don't you dare give up! You're going to be fine, lad. You're going to be fine. The Octonauts are coming, they're going to save you. Just hang on, okay? Just hang on. Please." Calico Jack said, holding his hand and shaking him gently. He heard the sound of footsteps and voices outside the door. He hoped that they were not too late.

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