AI co-write: Safety fight, ravine and Tenna

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⚠️just an au⚠️

🔠above and beyond timeline🔠

One day Kwazii and his grandfather, Calico Jack were preparing to go on hike around the Grand Canyon, he walked into the room where kwazii was packing, he was that kwazii was only packing rock-climbing gear "you should pack some food and water, Lad, were going to be there for a few days" Calico Jack said...

Kwazii looked at him and Shrugged, he did pack a few water bottles and a few snakes, but it didn't look like enough, Calico Jack sighed. 

they started on there way, Calico Jack looked back and saw kwazii was wearing headphones and not paying any attention where he was walking, he was too close to the cliff's side, he growled and took the headphones off "HEY!" Kwazii growled taking them back "You need to pay attention where you're going! your going to fall off the cliff!" Calico Jack growled.

Kwazii rolled his eyes "Whatever..." Kwazii said, attempting to put the headphones back on, but Calico Jack took them away and put them in his bag "your not getting these back until we're at the hut" He growled.

Kwazii was furious with his grandfather. He felt like he was treating him like a baby, not a pirate. He wanted to have some fun and adventure, not follow some boring rules and regulations. He decided to rebel and show his grandfather that he was a better pirate than him. He looked at the map and saw that there was a shortcut to the hut. It involved climbing over some rocks and crossing a narrow bridge. It looked risky, but exciting. He smirked and said to his grandfather, "Hey, grandpa, I have an idea. Why don't we split up and take different paths to the hut? That way we can see who gets there first." Calico Jack looked at him and frowned. He didn't like the idea of leaving his grandson alone in the wilderness. He knew that Kwazii was reckless and impulsive, and that he could get into trouble easily. He said to him, "No, lad, that's not a good idea. We should stick together and follow the trail. It's safer and easier." Kwazii rolled his eyes again and said, "Oh, come on, grandpa. Don't be such a scaredy-cat. Where's your sense of adventure? Where's your pirate spirit?" Calico Jack felt offended by his words. He was not a scaredy-cat. He was a brave and experienced pirate. He had more adventure and spirit than Kwazii could ever imagine. He said to him, "Don't you dare call me a scaredy-cat, lad. I'm not afraid of anything. I'm just being cautious and responsible. Something you should learn to be too." Kwazii snorted and said, "Yeah, right. You're just being old and boring. You've lost your edge, grandpa. You're not a real pirate anymore." Calico Jack felt hurt by his words. He loved his grandson more than anything, but he couldn't stand his disrespect and arrogance. He said to him, "Fine, lad. If you want to prove yourself so badly, go ahead and take your shortcut. But don't come crying to me when you get lost or hurt." Kwazii smiled and said, "Don't worry, grandpa. I won't need your help. I'll see you at the hut." He took his backpack and ran towards the shortcut, leaving his grandfather behind.

Kwazii went on his own path, he was going to get there first and prove himself right! he followed the map, he saw a few large rocks in his path and began to climb them, he fell in-between them, but he managed to get out, but his leg was injured "not going to stop me..." he said, limping forward, he saw the bridge up ahead, and limped forward and looked at the bridge, it looked old and unsteady, but if he was fast enough he could cross it, he frowned and looked at his leg, it hurt a lot, he tried to run on the bridge, but his leg hurt too much, the bridge started to break!.

He started to fall, he landed on a piece of the cliff that was sticking out, his leg hurt worse now, he growled as he tried to get up, but he couldn't, he looked around and saw his stuff above him, too far to get to, on a tree branch... he growled he knew he couldn't get his stuff and his octo-watch was in the bag... 

Meanwhile, Calico Jack had made it to the hut "told you, lad" Calico Jack said, as he realized kwazii was not around, he sighed, he kind of felt bad...  had he said anything out of line the last time he seen kwazii? 

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