AI co-write: The Danger Zone: The 🧡Pirate🧡 and the 💗Photographer💗

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

💗Ships: Kwashi (Kwazii✖️dashi)💗

One day, Kwazii was swimming around a reef when he found some pretty seashells, they looked rare and looked like they could be turned into a necklace, he did turn it into a necklace, for his crush, Dashi...

he got back to the octopod and walked over to Calico Jack, his grandfather "hey granddad... can I ask you something?" Kwazii asked "sure, lad.." Calico Jack smiled "do you have any advice... about how to ask dashi..." Kwazii said, blushing, Calico Jack's eyes narrowed, he remembered what had happened to him, and wanted to protect his grandson from the same pain "Pirates don't fall in love.." Calico Jack growled.

Kwazii was shocked by his grandfather's words. He felt a surge of anger and sadness. He loved Dashi, and he wanted to make her happy. He didn't understand why Calico Jack was so against his feelings. He clenched his fist and glared at him.

"What do you mean, pirates don't fall in love?" Kwazii snapped. "You don't know anything about love, granddad. You're just a grumpy old pirate who doesn't care about anyone but himself."

"That's not true, Kwazii. I care about you, and that's why I'm telling you this. Love is a weakness, lad. It makes you vulnerable and foolish. It distracts you from your pirate duties and your true destiny. You don't need love, Kwazii. You need adventure and freedom." Calico Jack said, trying to reason with him.

"No, you're wrong, granddad. Love is a strength, not a weakness. It makes you brave and kind. It gives you a reason to live and a purpose to fight for. I need love, granddad. And I love Dashi." Kwazii said, holding up the seashell necklace he had made for her.

"Give me that, Kwazii." Calico Jack said, reaching for the necklace.

"No, it's mine. I made it for Dashi, and I'm going to give it to her." Kwazii said, pulling away from him.

"Kwazii, don't be a fool. Dashi doesn't love you back. She's an Octonaut, not a pirate. She belongs to a different world than you. She'll never understand you or accept you for who you are." Calico Jack said, trying to grab the necklace again.

"That's not true, granddad. Dashi loves me back. She's my friend, not my enemy. She understands me and accepts me for who I am." Kwazii said, dodging his grandfather's hand.

"Kwazii, stop this nonsense. You're wasting your time and your life on a hopeless dream. You're not a lover, Kwazii. You're a pirate." Calico Jack said, raising his voice.

"I'm not a pirate, granddad. I'm an Octonaut." Kwazii said, raising his voice too.

"Then you're no grandson of mine." Calico Jack said, in a final blow.

Kwazii felt a pang of pain in his heart. He couldn't believe what he had heard. He looked at his grandfather with tears in his eyes.

"Fine then. If that's how you feel, then I don't want to be your grandson anymore." Kwazii said, turning around and running away.

"Kwazii, wait!" Calico Jack called after him, but it was too late.

Kwazii ran out of the Octopod and jumped into the Gup-S. He didn't care where he was going or what he was doing. He just wanted to get away from his grandfather and his harsh words. He wanted to find Dashi and tell her how he felt. He wanted to give her the seashell necklace and see her smile.

He drove the Gup-S as fast as he could, without paying attention to his surroundings or his navigation system. He didn't notice that he was entering a dangerous zone, where venomous sea snakes lurked.

Calico Jack watched him go with a mix of regret and worry. He realized that he had gone too far and hurt his grandson deeply. He wished he could take back what he had said and apologize to him. He loved Kwazii more than anything in the world, and he didn't want to lose him.

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