AI co-write: Mocking, taken, Blackbeard, secrets

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⚠️just an au⚠️

One day kwazii was watching a short comedy, Calico Jack walked into the room "don't tell me you're watching that new comedy thing? it's not really funny" Calico Jack said "says the one wearing a pirate outfit that came from a old pirate comedy from the 70s...and acts like it" Kwazii joked rolling his eyes, Calico Jack then slapped him...

Kwazii felt a sharp pain on his cheek as Calico Jack slapped him. He was shocked and hurt by his grandfather's reaction. He looked at him with tears in his eyes and saw that he was furious and hurt too.

"How dare you, Kwazii? How dare you mock me and my pirate style? Do you have any idea how much this means to me?" Calico Jack shouted.

Kwazii tried to explain, but Calico Jack cut him off.

"This is not just a costume, Kwazii. This is my heritage. This is my culture. This is who I am. I am a pirate, Kwazii. A real pirate. Not like those silly clowns you see on TV and online. They are not pirates. They are impostors. They are making fun of us. They are making fun of you," Calico Jack said.

Kwazii felt confused and angry.

"What do you mean, us? What do you mean, me? I'm not a pirate, grandpa. I'm an Octonaut. I don't care about your old-fashioned pirate stuff. It's boring and outdated and ridiculous," Kwazii said.

Calico Jack gasped and clenched his fists.

"Boring? Outdated? Ridiculous? How can you say that, Kwazii? How can you be so disrespectful and ungrateful? Don't you know what I've done for you? Don't you know what I've taught you? Don't you know what I've given you?" Calico Jack asked.

Kwazii felt guilty and embarrassed.

"Of course I know, grandpa. Of course I appreciate everything you've done for me. Of course I love you. But...but..." Kwazii stammered.

"But what, Kwazii? But what?" Calico Jack demanded.

Kwazii couldn't find the words to finish his sentence. He felt a surge of emotions that he couldn't control. He felt like he had to get away from Calico Jack. He felt like he had to run away from the Octopod.

He got up from his seat and ran to the door.

"I'm sorry, grandpa. I'm sorry, but I have to go," he said.

He opened the door and ran out of the room, leaving Calico Jack behind.

"Kwazii! Kwazii! Come back here! Where are you going?" Calico Jack called after him.

But Kwazii didn't answer. He didn't look back. He just ran as fast as he could, until he reached the launch bay. There, he saw the Gup-S parked and ready to go. The Gup-S was a submarine that could also fly in the air. It was one of Kwazii's favorite Gups, because it reminded him of his pirate days.

He climbed into the Gup-S and put on his helmet and seatbelt. He checked his instruments and prepared for takeoff.

"Octonauts to Gup-S, do you copy?" he heard Captain Barnacles' voice over the radio.

He ignored it and turned off the radio.

He pressed a button and the Gup-S's engines roared to life. He pulled a lever and the Gup-S lifted off the ground and soared into the sky. He left the Octopod behind and headed towards the horizon.

He didn't know where he was going. He didn't care where he was going. He just wanted to go somewhere else. Somewhere far away from Calico Jack and his old-fashioned pirate style.

He wanted to go somewhere cool and trendy. Somewhere where he could have fun and excitement. Somewhere where he could be himself.

He remembered that there was a pirate festival happening nearby that day. He had seen an advertisement for it online earlier that day. It looked like a lot of fun. There were games, rides, shows, food, music, and prizes. There were also lots of modern pirates dressed in colorful and stylish outfits. They looked cool and fun too.

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