AI co-write: whirlpool to fire-lions, snow-wolves, Phoenixes?

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⚠️just an au⚠️

💦whirlpool to stranded based💦

One day, Calico Jack and Kwazii were helping some dolphins stuck in a net, after they were done a whirlpool started to form behind kwazii, Kwazii looked at his grandfather as the whirlpool started to suck him away... 

Calico Jack quickly grabbed a rope and threw it to Kwazii, hoping to pull him out of the whirlpool. Kwazii managed to catch the rope, but he felt a sharp pain in his leg. He looked down and saw a small fish with spines sticking out of its body. It had bitten him and injected its venom into his bloodstream. Kwazii felt dizzy and weak, but he didn't want to worry his grandfather. He pulled himself up to the boat and pretended that he was fine.

"Are you alright, lad?" Calico Jack asked, concerned.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, grandpa. Just a bit shaken up, that's all." Kwazii lied, hiding his wound.

"Let's get you back to the Octopod then. You need some rest." Calico Jack said, steering the boat away from the whirlpool.

But before they could reach the Octopod, another whirlpool appeared in front of them. It was bigger and stronger than the first one. It sucked them in before they could escape. They spun around and around, losing their sense of direction. The boat was smashed into pieces by the force of the water. Kwazii and Calico Jack were separated and thrown into different directions.

Kwazii woke up on a sandy beach. He was alone and lost. He looked around and saw that he was on a small island with palm trees and rocks. He tried to stand up, but he felt a surge of pain in his leg. He looked at it and saw that it was swollen and purple. The venom was spreading through his body. He needed help, fast.

He searched for his grandfather, hoping that he was nearby. He called out his name, but there was no answer. He felt scared and lonely. He wondered if anyone would find him. He wondered if he would survive.

Kwazii whimpered, and tried to sound the octo-alert on his octo-watch, no signal... Kwazii continued to search, but he felt weak...

Meanwhile, Calico Jack was on the other side of the island "Kwazii?! KWAZII!?" Calico Jack called, trying to find Kwazii, he searched for a while, Calico Jack even tried to sound the octo-alert on his octo-watch, no signal...

Calico Jack decided to climb up a hill to get a better view of the island. He hoped that he would spot Kwazii or a sign of the Octopod. He reached the top and looked around. He saw nothing but water and sky. He felt hopeless and worried.

He was about to give up when he heard a loud roar. He turned around and saw a huge creature coming out of the forest. It looked like a cross between a lion and a dragon. It had fur, scales, wings, claws, and fangs. It was the most terrifying thing that Calico Jack had ever seen.

The creature spotted him and charged at him. Calico Jack grabbed his sword and prepared to fight. He knew that he had little chance of winning, but he refused to give up. He swung his sword at the creature, but it dodged and bit his arm. Calico Jack screamed in pain and dropped his sword.

The creature roared again and lifted him up with its mouth. It was about to swallow him when it heard another roar. It looked up and saw another creature flying in the sky. It was similar to the first one, but smaller and more colorful. It had feathers, horns, a tail, and a beak. It was the most beautiful thing that Calico Jack had ever seen.

The second creature dived down and attacked the first one. It pecked its eyes and scratched its wings. The first creature let go of Calico Jack and fought back. The two creatures engaged in a fierce battle, ignoring Calico Jack.

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