AI co-write: Blue-ringed Octopus and Heirloom Misunderstanding

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST IT?!" Calico Jack screamed "I TOUGHT I HAD IT WITH ME!" Kwazii yelled out "FAMLIY LEGICES ARE NOT SOMETHING YOU JUST LOSE!" Calico Jack screamed "If you didn't care about our legacy, you should have said something..." Calico Jack narrowed his eyes "B-But I do!" Kwazii said, how could his grandfather accuse him of that? "How did I get a grandson who lies about caring about his legacies..." Calico Jack Let slip... after a few moments he realized what he said but it was too late, kwazii Had ran off... 

Calico Jack went back to the campsite, he was sure kwazii would come back there soon, and he could talk to him...

Meanwhile, Kwazii had decided to go for a swim... he dived into the water not seeing the Blue-ringed octopus in the sand near him... it soon bit him and he made it to the beach, where he began to gasp for air due to the venom...

Calico Jack waited for Kwazii to return, but he didn't show up. He started to worry and regret what he said to him. He decided to go look for him, hoping to find him and apologize. He grabbed his spyglass and scanned the area, looking for any sign of his grandson.

He spotted a flash of orange on the beach and recognized Kwazii's hat. He ran towards it, hoping that Kwazii was just resting there. But when he got closer, he saw that Kwazii was lying on the sand, barely breathing. He also saw a blue-ringed octopus nearby, its rings glowing brightly.

Calico Jack realized what had happened and felt a surge of fear and guilt. He quickly picked up Kwazii and carried him to the campsite, where he had some first-aid equipment. He knew that there was no antidote for the venom, but he also knew that artificial respiration could save Kwazii's life. He performed CPR on Kwazii and tried to keep him alive until help arrived.

He hoped that Kwazii would survive and that his body would fight off the venom. He stroked his fur and whispered to him, "I'm so sorry, lad. I didn't mean what I said. You're my grandson and I love you more than anything. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. Please don't leave me, matey. Please stay with me."

He prayed that Kwazii would hear him and breathe again. He didn't know what he would do without him.

But kwazii didn't wake up, he didn't breathe, Calico Jack felt tears in his eyes as he grabbed his radio, was that the last thing Kwazii would hear from him? "Hello? can somebody hear me?" he said into the radio.

Calico Jack waited for a response, but there was only silence. He checked the radio and saw that it was broken. He cursed and looked around, hoping to see another Octonaut nearby. But he was alone with Kwazii, who was still not breathing.

He felt a surge of panic and despair. He wondered if he had done something wrong, if he had been too late, if he had failed his grandson. He blamed himself for everything that had happened. He wished he could take back his words, his actions, his mistakes.

He hugged Kwazii and sobbed, "I'm so sorry, lad. I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this. You deserve so much better. You're the greatest cat pirate ever. You're my hero. You're my treasure. Please don't go, matey. Please don't go."

He cried until he had no tears left. He felt numb and empty. He didn't know what to do next.

Suddenly, he heard a faint sound. He looked down and saw that Kwazii's chest was moving slightly. He felt a weak pulse on his wrist. He heard a soft groan from his mouth.

Kwazii was alive.

Calico Jack couldn't believe it. He felt a wave of relief and joy wash over him. He smiled and kissed Kwazii's forehead, "You're alive, lad. You're alive. Thank goodness. Thank goodness."

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