AI co-write: Calico Jack's Ocean maps and love for his grandson

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii was studying his grandfather's maps... he accidentally spilled some Ink onto the paper, He quickly started to put some map-cleaning Oil on it, but it only made it worse... Calico Jack soon walked in and saw the map... and kwazii. 

Calico Jack was furious when he saw the ruined map. He snatched it from Kwazii's paws and yelled at him. "What have you done, you clumsy pirate? This map was a precious heirloom from my father, and you've destroyed it with your carelessness! You have no respect for your heritage, boy!" He threw the map on the floor and stormed out of the room.

Kwazii felt a surge of guilt and shame. He didn't mean to spill the ink, he was just curious about the map. He loved his grandfather and his stories, but he also wanted to have his own adventures. He felt like he could never live up to Calico Jack's expectations. He decided to run away from the Octopod and find a new place to belong. He packed his things and sneaked out of the Octopod, leaving a note for his friends.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack realized he had been too harsh on Kwazii. He remembered how much he loved his grandson and how much they had in common. He regretted his words and wanted to apologize. He went back to Kwazii's room, but he found it empty. He saw the note on the bed and read it. It said:

"Dear Octonauts,

I'm sorry for everything. I don't belong here anymore. I'm going to find a new home where I can be free and happy. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Goodbye.


Calico Jack felt a pang of fear and sadness. He had lost his grandson because of his anger. He ran to the control room and asked the Octonauts if they had seen Kwazii. They said they hadn't, but they showed him the Gup tracker on the screen. It showed that Kwazii had taken the Gup-B and was heading towards a fishing boat.

Calico Jack knew that was dangerous. Fishing boats often used nets that could trap sea creatures, including Gups. He asked the Octonauts to help him find Kwazii and bring him back safely. They agreed and got ready to launch their Gups.

Meanwhile, Kwazii had gone out of the gup, wearing his helmet, but suddenly a net fell on him, Kwazii looked up and saw some Fishermen and growled, the fishermen didn't seem to care about him or not notice they caught anything, and let the net start to sink deeper into the ocean, taking kwazii with it, kwazii whimpered, not noticing that something, or something apart of the net was tying around his neck...

Meanwhile, Calico Jack and the other octonauts had drove all the way to the gup-B's location but they didn't see Kwazii, Calico Jack got more worried... 

Calico Jack and the other Octonauts searched for Kwazii in the water, but they couldn't find him. They wondered where he could have gone. They decided to check the fishing boat, hoping that Kwazii had not been caught by the fishermen.

They approached the boat carefully, avoiding the nets and hooks. They saw a large net hanging from the side of the boat, with something moving inside it. They looked closer and saw Kwazii's helmet. They realized that Kwazii had been trapped in the net and was sinking deeper into the ocean.

They quickly sprang into action. They used their Gups to cut the net and free Kwazii. They saw that he was unconscious and had a rope around his neck. They removed the rope and checked his vital signs. They were relieved to see that he was still alive, but he needed urgent medical attention.

They carried him to the Gup-A and placed him on a stretcher. Calico Jack held his paw and whispered to him. "Don't worry, lad. You're going to be alright. I'm sorry for what I said. I love you, Kwazii. Please wake up."

They rushed back to the Octopod, where Shellington and Peso were waiting for them. They took Kwazii to the sick bay and started treating him. They gave him oxygen and fluids, and monitored his heart rate and blood pressure. They hoped that he would recover soon.

A few weeks past, but Kwazii didn't wake up... Calico Jack stayed with Kwazii, Calico Jack thought he saw Kwazii move for a second, but Kwazii was still, Calico Jack sighed and rubbed his eyes he Hadn't slept for a while...

Calico Jack was losing hope. He had been by Kwazii's side for weeks, but there was no sign of improvement. He felt guilty and helpless. He blamed himself for driving Kwazii away and putting him in danger. He wished he could take back his words and hug his grandson.

He decided to try something different. He remembered that Kwazii loved stories, especially pirate stories. He thought that maybe, if he told him some stories, he could reach him and make him wake up. He took out his old journal and opened it. It was full of his adventures and memories as a pirate.

He began to read aloud to Kwazii, hoping that he could hear him. He told him about the time he sailed across the seven seas, the time he fought a giant kraken, the time he found a hidden treasure, and many more. He also told him about his family, his friends, and his dreams. He told him how proud he was of him, how much he loved him, and how much he missed him.

He read for hours, until his voice was hoarse and his eyes were tired. He closed the journal and looked at Kwazii. He still looked pale and still, but there was something different about him. His eyelids were twitching slightly, and his lips were moving faintly.

Calico Jack leaned closer and listened carefully. He heard Kwazii whisper something in a weak voice. It was one word, but it was the most beautiful word he had ever heard.


Calico Jack felt a surge of joy and relief. He smiled and hugged Kwazii gently. "Kwazii! You're awake! You're awake!"

Kwazii opened his eyes slowly and looked at Calico Jack. He saw his grandfather's face, full of love and tears. He smiled back and hugged him back. "Grandpa... I'm sorry..."

Calico Jack shook his head and kissed his forehead. "No, no, don't be sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what I said to you. I didn't mean it. I love you, Kwazii. You're my grandson, my pirate, my hero."

They held each other for a long time, crying and laughing. They felt a warm and fuzzy feeling in their hearts. They felt like they had found each other again.

Meanwhile, the other Octonauts had heard the commotion and came to the sick bay. They saw Calico Jack and Kwazii hugging each other and smiling. They were overjoyed to see that Kwazii had woken up and that he and Calico Jack had made up.

❌ The-end ❌

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