Ai co-write: black widow venom campout

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🌷Just an au🌷

One day Calico Jack and Kwazii were on a campout "I'm going to go check something out real quick, ill be back in moments" Kwazii told his grandfather, and he walked off... Into the rural, southern landscape, he picked up the strange stone, it was shaped like a flower, and it was blue, but it was a rock, he didn't notice the spider on it, he felt a prick on his paw and looked at the spider, it was a black widow, he was afraid of spiders, so he screamed and jumped back, he fell down feeling the paralysis of the Venom, and gasping slightly.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack had noticed that Kwazii had been gone a while and decided to go and find him. 

Calico Jack followed Kwazii's tracks and soon found him lying on the ground, clutching his paw. He saw the black widow spider crawling away and realized what had happened. He quickly ran to Kwazii's side and checked his pulse. It was weak and irregular. He knew he had to act fast.

"Kwazii, lad, can you hear me?" he asked, shaking his grandson gently.

Kwazii opened his eyes slightly and groaned. He felt a sharp pain in his paw and a numbness spreading through his body. He saw his grandfather's worried face and tried to speak.

"G-g-grandpa...s-s-spider...b-b-bit me..." he managed to say.

"I know, lad, I know. You've been bitten by a black widow spider. It's very poisonous, but don't you worry. I'll get you some help. Just stay with me, okay?" Calico Jack said, trying to sound calm.

He took off his bandana and wrapped it around Kwazii's paw, applying some pressure to slow down the venom. He then lifted Kwazii in his arms and ran back to the campsite. He grabbed his backpack and took out his communicator.

"Octopod, come in! This is Calico Jack! I need help!" he shouted into the device.

"Calico Jack, this is Captain Barnacles. What's the emergency?" Barnacles' voice came through.

"Captain, it's Kwazii. He's been bitten by a black widow spider. He's in bad shape. We need antivenom as soon as possible!" Calico Jack said.

"Oh no! That's terrible! We're on our way, Calico Jack. Hang in there!" Barnacles said.

Calico Jack looked at Kwazii, who was pale and sweating. He was breathing shallowly and shivering. He held him close and whispered soothing words to him.

"Kwazii, lad, you're going to be fine. The Octonauts are coming to save you. You're a brave pirate cat, just like me. You can fight this venom. Just hold on, okay?" he said.

Kwazii nodded weakly and closed his eyes. He felt a wave of nausea and dizziness wash over him. He hoped his grandfather was right.

Kwazii Culched his chest as it began to hurt, he also began to gasp for air as he couldn't really breathe. 

Calico Jack noticed that Kwazii's condition was getting worse. He was clutching his chest and gasping for air. He checked his pulse again and found it was very fast and erratic. He knew that the venom was affecting his heart and lungs.

"Kwazii, lad, stay with me! Don't give up!" he said, rubbing his back and trying to comfort him.

He looked at his communicator and saw that the Octonauts were still a few minutes away. He hoped they would make it in time.

Meanwhile, on the Octopod, the Octonauts were preparing to rescue Kwazii. Barnacles had alerted Peso, the medic, and told him to get ready with the black widow antivenom. Peso had quickly gathered the necessary supplies and loaded them onto the Gup-A, the main rescue vehicle. He was joined by Barnacles, Shellington, the marine biologist, and Dashi, the photographer.

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