AI co-write: Calico Jack's treasure map and grandson and Pirate traps in a cave

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⚠️just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii was playing around his room, he was bored "boredom, boredom" Kwazii told himself... he soon found one of his old toys, a fake wooden sword, he didn't notice the splinters in it, he started to play with it, until he touched the splinters and got one stuck in his paw, he yelped and threw the sword on accident, the fake wooden sword landed on a map, which the slinters broke the paper... 

Calico Jack walked into the room, and saw that the wooden fake sword had slinters that had broken the map, he glared at Kwazii, not seeing that kwazii had a splinter in his paw... or that kwazii was hiding his paw...  

 Calico Jack picked up the map and saw that it was torn and ripped by the splinters. He recognized it as his old treasure map that he had kept for years. He was furious and turned to Kwazii, who was trembling in fear.

"Kwazii, what have you done?!" Calico Jack shouted. "Do you have any idea how valuable this map is? It's a family heirloom, passed down from generation to generation of pirates! It leads to the greatest treasure in the seven seas! And you've ruined it!"

Kwazii tried to apologize, but Calico Jack didn't listen. He continued to rant and rave, calling Kwazii a clumsy, careless, and irresponsible pirate. He said that Kwazii was not worthy of being his grandson or a member of the Octonauts.

Kwazii felt hurt and angry by his grandfather's words. He felt like he didn't belong anywhere. He wanted to run away and never come back. He grabbed his hat and ran out of the room, ignoring Calico Jack's calls.

He ran out of the Octopod and into the Gup-B, which was parked nearby. He didn't care where he was going, he just wanted to get away from his grandfather. He drove the Gup-B into a nearby cave, hoping to find some peace and quiet.

But he didn't know that the cave was full of dangers and traps, set by other pirates who had tried to find the treasure before. As he entered the cave, he triggered a trap that released a net of ropes that tangled around the Gup-B, trapping him inside.

Kwazii panicked and tried to free himself, but the ropes were too tight. He realized that he had made a big mistake. He wished he could go back and fix things with his grandfather. But it was too late. He was stuck in the cave, alone and scared.

Suddenly, an arrow Broke the window, but the window Also kept the arrow from hitting Kwazii as it got stuck in the glass, which shattered a few moments after impact, making the arrow fall on the dashboard and the ropes to fall on kwazii, tying him up, Kwazii whimpered.

Meanwhile, Barnacles was walking around the octopod, Calling out Kwazii's name, Calico Jack looked over, and walked over "what's going on?" Calico Jack asked "I wanted to talk with kwazii, but I can't find him!" Barnacles said.

Calico Jack felt a pang of guilt and worry. He realized that he had been too harsh on Kwazii and that he might have hurt his feelings. He wondered where Kwazii had gone and if he was okay.

He decided to tell Barnacles the truth. He explained what had happened with the treasure map and how he had yelled at Kwazii. He said that he was sorry and that he wanted to apologize to Kwazii.

Barnacles understood and said that they should look for Kwazii together. He said that Kwazii might have gone to his favorite places, like the kelp forest or the coral reef. He suggested that they use the Gup-A to search for him.

They went to the Gup garage and saw that the Gup-B was missing. They checked the Gup finder and saw that the Gup-B was in a cave nearby. They wondered why Kwazii would go there and if he was in trouble.

They quickly got into the Gup-A and followed the signal of the Gup-B. They arrived at the cave and saw that it was dark and spooky. They turned on their headlights and entered the cave cautiously.

They soon found the Gup-B, tangled in a net of ropes and surrounded by arrows. They saw Kwazii inside, tied up and scared. They were shocked and relieved at the same time.

"Kwazii!" Barnacles shouted. "Are you okay?"

"Captain! Grandpa!" Kwazii cried. "Help me!"

Calico Jack ran over, And looked at Kwazii "Kwazii! Kwazii! are you okay?" Calico Jack asked "Other than tied up.... yes, the windshield saved me from the arrow" Kwazii told Calico Jack, Calico Jack looked at the arrow and picked it up, It was a sharp arrow... he tried to use it to cut the ropes, being careful not to harm Kwazii.

 Barnacles helped Calico Jack to cut the ropes with the arrow. They managed to free Kwazii from the net and the Gup-B. They hugged him and checked him for injuries.

"Kwazii, I'm so glad you're safe," Barnacles said. "What were you doing in this cave?"

Kwazii looked down and felt ashamed. He told them how he had run away from his grandfather after he had scolded him for breaking the treasure map. He said that he was sorry and that he didn't mean to cause any trouble.

Calico Jack felt a surge of emotion. He hugged Kwazii again and said that he was sorry too. He said that he had overreacted and that he shouldn't have said those hurtful things to him. He said that he loved him and that he was proud of him.

"Kwazii, you're my grandson and a great pirate," Calico Jack said. "You're also a brave and loyal Octonaut. You don't have to run away from me or anyone else. You're always welcome here."

Kwazii smiled and hugged his grandfather back. He thanked him for his kind words and said that he loved him too. He apologized for breaking the treasure map and said that he would help him fix it.

Calico Jack smiled and said that it was okay. He said that the treasure map was not as important as Kwazii. He said that the real treasure was his family and friends.

Barnacles smiled and agreed. He said that they were all a team and that they should stick together. He suggested that they should go back to the Octopod and celebrate their reunion.

They all agreed and got into the Gup-A. They left the cave and headed back to the Octopod, happy and relieved.

The end.

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