AI co-write: Dashi's camera, Deep trenches, fakes, secrets, barnacle's brother

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⚠️just an au⚠️

💗Kwazii × dashi🧡

One day, Kwazii, Tweak, Barnacles and Shellington were exploring a shipwreck, Dashi had entrusted Kwazii with her camera, so he could take the pictures, Kwazii took a few photos, but dropped the camera on accident "UHM I-" Kwazii started but Shellington slapped him, Kwazii looked at him "Kwazii you know how much Dashi cared about the camera how can you throw it into a trench?" Shellington growled... Kwazii looked around and Saw Barnacles and Tweak looking at him... Kwazii tried to explain, but he couldn't get one in as they all basically started to scream at him...

Kwazii felt hurt and angry by the way his friends treated him. He knew he had made a mistake, but he didn't mean to drop the camera. He wanted to make Dashi happy, not sad. He decided to go back to the shipwreck and try to find the camera himself. He hoped that if he could bring it back, his friends would forgive him and let him stay in the Octopod.

He put on his diving suit and helmet, and grabbed a flashlight. He didn't tell anyone where he was going, because he knew they wouldn't care. He swam down to the shipwreck, and looked for the trench where the camera had fallen. He found it, and saw that it was very deep and dark. He hesitated for a moment, but then he remembered Dashi's smile and how much she loved her camera. He took a deep breath and dived into the trench.

He didn't realize how dangerous it was. The trench was full of unknown creatures that lurked in the shadows, waiting for prey. As soon as Kwazii entered their territory, they sensed his presence and started to chase him. Kwazii saw them in his flashlight beam, and gasped. They were like nothing he had ever seen before. They had long teeth, glowing eyes, and spiky fins. They looked hungry and angry.

Kwazii tried to swim away from them, but they were faster than him. They surrounded him and closed in on him. Kwazii felt scared and alone. He wished his friends were with him, but they had abandoned him. He reached for his communicator and called the Octopod for help.

"Octonauts, this is Kwazii! I need help! I'm in a trench near the shipwreck, and there are some nasty creatures after me! Please, come quickly!" he shouted.

But no one answered him.

He tried again.

"Octonauts, please! Can you hear me? I'm in trouble! Please, help me!" he begged.

But still no one answered him.

He realized that they had turned off their communicators, or maybe they had heard him but ignored him. They thought he was lying or making up excuses. They didn't care about him anymore.

He felt a tear roll down his cheek.

He was about to give up hope, when he heard another voice.

"Kwazii? Is that you? What are you doing down there?" the voice said.

Kwazii recognized it as Calico Jack's voice. Calico Jack was his grandfather, and a famous pirate who had taught him everything he knew about the ocean. He was also an old friend of Captain Barnacles' family.

"Grandpa Jack! It's me, Kwazii! I'm so glad you're here! I need your help! There are some monsters chasing me!" Kwazii said.

"Don't worry, lad! I'm coming to get you! Hang on!" Calico Jack said.

Kwazii looked up and saw Calico Jack's ship above him. It was an old-fashioned pirate ship with sails and cannons. Calico Jack had modified it to be able to go underwater as well as on the surface. He had also added some gadgets and weapons to make it more powerful and fun.

Calico Jack lowered a rope ladder from his ship and climbed down to Kwazii's level. He used his lantern to blind the creatures that were attacking Kwazii, and scared them away with his hook. He grabbed Kwazii's hand and pulled him up to his ship.

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