AI co-write: The Virus-Ice-Cure Solution: Kwazii's Rainbow Fur

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⚠️just an au⚠️

🧊Parts of this based off: The Ice Crystal Curse: an Frozen Mystery & A Love Story That Began With a Trauma: The virus and Leon🧊


One day, Kwazii, Kwazii was exploring Shellington's lab, he wanted to help around, he accidently knocked over a few bottles of something he didn't know what... nobody else was in the room, but he couldn't let them see...

 Kwazii was exploring Shellington's lab, he wanted to help around, he accidentally knocked over a few bottles of something he didn't know what. Nobody else was in the room, but he couldn't let them see. He quickly picked up the bottles and tried to clean up the mess, but it was too late. The chemicals had spilled on his fur and skin, and they started to react.

Kwazii felt a tingling sensation on his body, and he looked at himself in a mirror. He gasped in shock and horror. He saw that his fur and skin were changing color. His orange fur turned purple, his white fur turned green, his black spots turned pink, and his green eyes turned yellow. He looked like a rainbow cat.

He panicked and wondered what had happened to him. He looked at the labels on the bottles and saw that they were some of Shellington's experimental chemicals. He read the names and descriptions of the chemicals and realized that they were meant to study the color-changing abilities of some marine animals, such as octopuses, cuttlefish, and chameleons. He also read the warnings and side effects of the chemicals and learned that they could cause allergic reactions, mutations, or even death if not handled properly.

He was terrified and confused. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to reverse the effects of the chemicals or if they were permanent. He didn't know how to explain this to Shellington or the other Octonauts. He didn't know how they would react or what they would think of him.

He felt ashamed and embarrassed. He felt like a freak and a monster. He felt like he didn't belong in the Octonauts anymore.

He decided to run away and hide in a coral reef. He thought that maybe there he could find some animals that looked like him or that could help him. He thought that maybe there he could be safe and happy.

He grabbed his hat and his spyglass and ran out of the lab. He didn't tell anyone where he was going or why he was leaving.

He jumped into the Gup-B and drove away.

He hoped that nobody would notice him or follow him.

He hoped that nobody would miss him or care for him.

He hoped that nobody would love him or need him.

He whispered, "Goodbye, Octonauts."

meanwhile, Calico Jack had arrived at the octopod, and was greeted by Shellington and Barnacles "hello, do you know where kwazii is?" Calico Jack is "uhm no" barnacles, peso and Shellington said, and they started to look for him, Shellington walked into his lab and saw his experimental chemicals were not in there bottles, he also saw one missing, he looked around the room and found the bottle, and saw it was his virus-ice-curse experiment... 

he quickly sounded the octo-alert as he realized what happened...

Shellington walked into his lab and saw his experimental chemicals were not in their bottles. He also saw one missing. He looked around the room and found the bottle, and saw it was his virus-ice-curse experiment.

He quickly sounded the octo-alert as he realized what had happened.

He said, "Octonauts, to the HQ, now!"

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