Ai co-write: Shadyside, Sarah feir🚩Octonauts❌Paw Patrol❌fear street Crossover🚩

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

🚩Octonauts❌Paw Patrol❌fear street Crossover🚩

One day, Calico Jack was driving kwazii to a new school, because he failed his last year of high school, and barnacles was not really giving him a choice but to go, it was Shadyside high, Meanwhile, a husky had to go Aswell, but she wanted to, she also had failed her last year of high school, her name was Everest, they Bumbled into each other "sorry!" they said "hey are you from the paw patrol?" Kwazii asked Everest, seeing her pup tag "yeah... are you an octonaut?" Everest asked, seeing the Octopus on kwazii's hat "yeah?" Kwazii sighed "how do you know about us?" Kwazii asked Everest "Your captain, Barnacles told me.." Everest told kwazii, and explained how she and barnacles used to be friands when she lived in the Arctic.  

Kwazii and Everest walked into the school, feeling nervous and excited. They saw a lot of different students, some of them looked friendly, some of them looked mean, and some of them looked weird. They decided to stick together and find their lockers.

"Hey, look at those two freaks!" a voice shouted from behind them. They turned around and saw a group of bullies, led by a boy with a leather jacket and a scar on his face. His name was Tommy, and he was the leader of the Shadyside Sharks, the most feared gang in town. "What are you doing here, huh? This is our turf!"

Kwazii and Everest felt scared, but they tried to act brave. "We're new here, matey. We're just looking for our lockers," Kwazii said.

"Well, you're out of luck, because your lockers are ours now!" Tommy said, pushing Kwazii against the wall. "And so are your pup tag and your hat! Give them to me!"

Everest growled and jumped in front of Kwazii, protecting him. "Leave him alone! He's my friend!" she said.

Tommy laughed and grabbed Everest by the collar. "Oh, you're his friend? How cute! Well, guess what? You're my friend now! And I have a special place for you in my basement!" he said, dragging her away.

"Everest! No!" Kwazii shouted, trying to free himself from the other bullies who held him back. "Let her go!"

But it was too late. Tommy and Everest disappeared into the crowd, leaving Kwazii alone and helpless.

Suddenly, Everest and a girl ran over "Hi, my name is Deena, sorry this place sucks and a lot of people are bullies, even my ex-girlfriand left for Sunnyvale" Deena said "she helped me" Everest smiled, Deena took Kwazii and Everest to her brother, Josh friands, Kate and Simon, they all became friands.

after school, Everest and Kwazii joined Simon, Kate and Deena to the gathering of a girl that was murdered at the mall by her co-worker, Josh told Everest and Kwazii of the witch, Kwazii believed him, but Everest didn't know what to believe. 

 on the way back, the Sunnyvale kids started to throw something at the bus, Everest and Kwazii helped throw something back but it caused the car chasing them to crash, they helped the Sunnyvale kids, and one of them was Sam, Deena's ex.

after school, they each went home, Jake noticed Scratches on Everest's collar "Everest what happened?" he asked, Everest looked at the scratches and remembered Tommy... 

Everest shrugged and lied to Jake. "Oh, nothing. I just got into a little scuffle with some kids at school. It's no big deal." She didn't want to worry him or tell him about Tommy and his creepy basement.

Jake looked concerned, but he decided to let it go. He knew Everest was a tough pup who could handle herself. He gave her a hug and a treat. "Well, I'm glad you're okay. You're a brave girl, Everest. I'm proud of you."

Everest smiled and thanked him. She felt guilty for lying, but she also felt relieved that he didn't ask too many questions. She hoped that Tommy would leave her alone and that she would never see him again.

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