AI co-write: Lucky charms and Dangerous Trenches

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⚠️just an au⚠️

one day, Kwazii was playing and cleaning Calico Jack's lucky charm for him, he soon dropped and lost track of it, Calico Jack walked into the room, and noticed kwazii acting weird "you okay, lad?" Calico Jack asked "uhm, nothing totally didn't lose anything special to you..." Kwazii said, Calico Jack looked around the room, and realized his charm, his lucky charm was not where he left it, he glared at kwazii "you lost my lucky charm?" Calico Jack growled.

Kwazii gulped and nodded, hoping that Calico Jack would understand and forgive him. But to his surprise, Calico Jack's face turned red with anger and he shouted at Kwazii. "You lost my lucky charm? Do you have any idea how important that was to me? It was a gift from your grandmother, the only thing I have left of her! How could you be so careless and stupid?" He grabbed Kwazii by the shoulders and shook him. "You're no grandson of mine, and you're certainly no pirate! You're nothing but a troublemaker and a disappointment!" He pushed Kwazii away and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Kwazii felt a surge of pain and sadness in his chest. He couldn't believe what Calico Jack had said to him. He loved his grandfather more than anything, and he had always looked up to him as a pirate and a hero. He had only wanted to make him happy by cleaning his lucky charm, but he had messed up everything. He felt tears sting his eyes and he ran out of the Octopod, ignoring the calls of his friends. He wanted to get away from everything, from Calico Jack, from the Octonauts, from himself. He didn't care where he was going, he just wanted to be alone.

He ran until he reached the edge of a deep trench that he had never seen before. He looked down and saw a dark abyss filled with strange shapes and shadows. He felt a sudden curiosity and decided to explore it. Maybe he would find something interesting down there, something that would make him forget his troubles. He put on his diving helmet and jumped into the trench, not knowing what dangers awaited him below.

he swam down and saw many creatures he'd never seen before, some of them started to attack him, he tried to fight back, but there were too many. 

Meanwhile, back at the Octopod, Calico Jack had calmed down and realized that he had been too harsh on Kwazii. He felt guilty and ashamed for hurting his grandson's feelings and saying such cruel words to him. He wanted to apologize and make things right. He went back to the room where he had left Kwazii, but he found it empty. He asked the other Octonauts if they had seen him, but they said that he had run away and they didn't know where he had gone. Calico Jack felt a surge of worry and fear. He hoped that Kwazii was safe and not in trouble.

He decided to look for him using the Gup-B, his favorite Gup. He scanned the ocean for any signs of Kwazii, but he couldn't find him anywhere. He was about to give up when he noticed a faint signal coming from a deep trench that he had never explored before. He wondered if Kwazii could be down there, and he decided to check it out. He drove the Gup-B into the trench, hoping to find his grandson.

He was shocked by what he saw. The trench was full of dangerous creatures that he had never encountered before, such as vampire squids, anglerfish, viperfish, and more. He saw Kwazii surrounded by a swarm of them, trying to fend them off with his sword and his paws. He looked scared and hurt, and he was running out of air. Calico Jack felt a pang of guilt and regret. He had pushed Kwazii into this situation with his anger and his words. He had to save him before it was too late.

He activated the Gup-B's turbo boosters and zoomed towards Kwazii, blasting the creatures away with his water cannons. He reached Kwazii and opened the hatch, pulling him inside. He hugged him tightly and said, "I'm sorry, lad. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said. You're my grandson, and I love you more than anything. Please forgive me." Kwazii hugged him back and said, "I forgive you, grandpa. I love you too. And I'm sorry for losing your lucky charm." Calico Jack smiled and said, "Don't worry about that, lad. It's just a thing. You're more important to me than any treasure in the world." He gave him a new lucky charm that he had made for him, a pendant with a picture of them together. Kwazii smiled and thanked him, feeling happy and relieved.

They drove the Gup-B out of the trench, leaving the creatures behind. They returned to the Octopod, where they were greeted by their friends who were glad to see them safe and sound. They told them what had happened and how they had made up. The other Octonauts were happy for them and congratulated them on their bravery and their bond. They celebrated with a feast of fish biscuits and kelp cakes, and they all had a good time.

The end.

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