AI co-write: Rival Pirate's poison dagger

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Kwazii was with his grandfather for a campout and Treasure hunt... they were looking for the map, but Kwazii had walked off to explore "Why hello, are you Calico Jack's Grandson...?" he heard a voice say "Uhm... yeah but whose asking?" Kwazii turned around and looked at the tanish-fured Pirate cat "Oh, well he is my enemy and I'm looking for him, know where he is?" the tanish-fured Pirate cat asked "no" Kwazii lied... he wasn't going to reveal his Grandfather's location to somebody who may want to harm him.

The tanish-furred pirate cat smirked and said, "You're lying, kid. I can tell. You have the same eyes as your grandfather. The eyes of a pirate."

He pulled out a dagger from his belt and pointed it at Kwazii. "Now, tell me where he is, or I'll make you regret it."

Kwazii backed away and said, "Stay away from me! I don't know where he is!"

He tried to run, but the pirate cat was faster. He grabbed Kwazii by the collar and stabbed him in the side with his dagger.

Kwazii gasped and felt a sharp pain in his wound. He looked at the dagger and saw that it had a green liquid on the blade.

"Wh-what did you do to me?" He asked.

The pirate cat laughed and said, "I poisoned you, kid. That's what I did. This dagger has a special poison that only I know the cure for. And I'm not going to give it to you unless you tell me where Calico Jack is."

Kwazii felt a wave of nausea and dizziness wash over him. He tried to resist, but he couldn't.

"He's... he's..." He muttered.

"Where? Where is he?" The pirate cat demanded.

"He's... he's..." Kwazii repeated.

He couldn't say it. He couldn't betray his grandfather. He closed his eyes and passed out.

The pirate cat frowned and shook Kwazii's limp body. "Hey, wake up! Wake up, kid! Don't you die on me!"

He realized that Kwazii was unconscious and that he had no choice but to take him with him. He slung Kwazii over his shoulder and ran towards his ship.

He hoped that Calico Jack would come looking for his grandson soon. He wanted to settle his score with him once and for all.

Meanwhile Calico Jack had been waiting for kwazii for a long time, he was starting to get worried, he tried to call kwazii on the radio but he only heard a voice saying "Hey, wake up! Wake up, kid! Don't you die on me!" and he knew something was wrong, he quickly ran in the direction Kwazii had gone and found his radio, lying on the sand, but Kwazii, nor the cat he heard on the radio was near it. 

Calico Jack picked up the radio and listened to it. He heard the voice of the pirate cat again.

"Come on, kid. Wake up. You don't want to miss the fun, do you?"

He recognized the voice. It belonged to his old rival, Captain Claw. He was a notorious pirate who had been after Calico Jack's treasure for years.

Calico Jack felt a surge of anger and fear. He knew that Captain Claw had kidnapped Kwazii and that he was in danger.

He grabbed his sword and his compass and ran towards the shore. He hoped that Captain Claw's ship was still there.

He reached the shore and saw a large pirate ship anchored in the water. It had a black flag with a red claw on it. It was Captain Claw's ship, the Red Claw.

Calico Jack saw a rowboat near the shore. He jumped into it and rowed towards the ship. He hoped that Kwazii was still alive.

He reached the ship and climbed on board. He saw a group of pirates guarding the entrance to the cabin.

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