AI co-write: father trap and saving kwazii

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⚠️just an au⚠️

Kwazii yawned he was going for a swim in the ocean... Kwazii swam around until he heard a voice, it sounded like somebody he knew "kwazii, son come here..." it said "dad..?" Kwazii looked around, and started to swim towards it, he ended up on an island, a remote island, soon some pirates ambushed him and tied him up "that was fake, you idiot of a pirate" one of them growled.

Kwazii was confused and scared. He did not understand what was happening, and why these pirate cats had captured him. He asked them who they were, and what they wanted from him.

The pirate cats laughed, and said that they were the Scallywags, a notorious gang of thieves and kidnappers. They said that they wanted to ransom him for treasure, as he was the grandson of Calico Jack, the legendary pirate. They said that they had used a parrot to lure him to their island, by making it imitate his father's voice.

Kwazii felt a surge of anger and sadness. He realized that he had been tricked by a fake voice, and that his father was still missing. He wondered if he would ever find him, or if he would ever see his grandfather and his friends again.

He tried to break free from the ropes that bound him, but they were too tight and strong. He tried to call for help, but his communicator was broken and his voice was too weak. He tried to reason with the pirate cats, but they were too cruel and greedy.

They dragged him to their hideout, a rundown shack on the beach. They threw him into a dark and dirty cell, where he was left alone and hungry. They told him that they would contact Calico Jack and the Octonauts soon, and demand a huge ransom for his release. They also told him that if they did not pay up, they would hurt him or worse.

Kwazii felt hopeless, and wondered if anyone would come to save him. He wondered if anyone would even notice that he was gone. He wondered if he would ever get out of this nightmare.

Meanwhile, at the Octopod, Calico Jack and the Octonauts were worried about Kwazii's disappearance. They had noticed that he had not returned from his swim, and that his signal was lost. They had tried to contact him, but there was no response.

They decided to launch a search party, and use the Gup-A to track his signal. They hoped that he was alright, and that they would find him soon.

They followed his signal to the remote island, where they saw the Scallywags' hideout. They also saw a parrot flying around, repeating Kwazii's father's voice.

They realized that Kwazii had been lured into a trap, and that he was in danger.

They decided to rescue him, and use their gadgets and skills to fight the Scallywags.

They prepared to storm the hideout, and save their friend.

suddenly, Calico Jack's Communcation device turned on, he answered it "hello, Calico Jack.." laughed a guy with a pirate voice "We know you have Kwazii, Hand him over or else.." Calico Jack growled "oh, no... but we want your treasure, if you don't hand it over... I don't know what we'll do to kwazii... maybe we'll cause him pain, hand him a spider cause he's afraid of them... or maybe we'll throw him into the ocean... tied up!" the voice said.

Calico Jack was furious and scared. He recognized the voice as that of Captain Claw, the leader of the Scallywags and his old enemy. He knew that he was serious and ruthless, and that he would not hesitate to harm Kwazii.

He asked Captain Claw where he was, and how he could contact him. He said that he wanted to negotiate with him, and that he wanted to see Kwazii alive and well.

Captain Claw laughed, and said that he was in his hideout on the island. He said that he would send him a message with his demands and instructions. He said that he wanted a large amount of gold, jewels, and other valuables from Calico Jack's treasure chest. He said that he would give him a deadline to deliver the ransom, or else he would do something terrible to Kwazii.

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