AI co-write: Broken toy cars, Cave collapses, desert, nets, forgiveness

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⚠️just an au⚠️

⚠️also prob more 13+ or 10+ idk :>⚠️

one day, Kwazii was playing with Tweak's remote car, he was mostly testing it for her, as they did sometime use it for missions, when they needed it to be secret from something in the ocean and somehow, a small car toy was not suspicious, Kwazii walked over and picked it up, he didn't realize he put his claws into the wires until it was too late and they snapped, Kwazii sighed, he didn't mean to break it, he started to try to fix it, but failed.

Kwazii went to his room to try to figure out what to do to fix it, Tweak walked over to the car, and found it broken, she knew kwazii did this, and she thought he did it on purpose, because he didn't tell her, She walked over to the captain, and they went to kwazii's room angry, thinking kwazii didn't have anything to explain, Barnacles growled and slapped kwazii. 

Kwazii was shocked and hurt by the captain's slap. He looked at him and Tweak with disbelief and pain in his eyes. He tried to explain that he didn't mean to break the car, that it was an accident, that he was sorry. But they didn't listen. They accused him of being jealous of Tweak's inventions, of being spiteful and destructive, of being a bad friend and a bad Octonaut. They told him that he had to leave the Octopod and never come back. They took away his badge and his uniform and threw them on the floor. They pushed him out of his room and locked the door behind him.

Kwazii felt betrayed and angry. He couldn't believe that his friends would treat him so harshly, that they wouldn't give him a chance to explain, that they wouldn't trust him or forgive him. He decided that he didn't need them, that he could find a new adventure on his own. He took his Gup-B and drove away from the Octopod, without looking back.

He drove for a long time, until he reached a mountainous area. He saw a cave that looked interesting and decided to explore it. He parked his Gup-B outside and entered the cave with a flashlight. He hoped to find some treasure or some mystery inside. He walked deeper and deeper into the cave, until he reached a dead end. He saw a pile of rocks that looked like they were hiding something behind them. He decided to move them and see what was there.

He pushed and pulled the rocks, until he made a hole big enough to crawl through. He shone his flashlight inside and saw a glittering sight. There was a chest full of gold coins, jewels, and other valuables. Kwazii gasped in awe and excitement. He had found a pirate treasure! He crawled inside and opened the chest. He felt like he had hit the jackpot.

He started to take out some of the items and examine them. He found a necklace with a ruby pendant, a ring with a sapphire stone, a bracelet with an emerald charm, and many other beautiful things. He also found some old maps, letters, books, and weapons. He wondered who had left them there, and what their stories were.

He was so engrossed in his discovery that he didn't notice the rumbling sound that was getting louder and louder. He didn't notice the cracks that were forming on the walls and ceiling of the cave. He didn't notice the rocks that were falling from above.

Until it was too late.

The cave collapsed on him, burying him under tons of rubble. Kwazii screamed in fear and pain as he felt the weight crushing him. He tried to move, but he couldn't. He tried to call for help, but no one heard him.

He realized that he had made a terrible mistake.

He realized that he had been too proud and stubborn to apologize to his friends.

He realized that he had been too foolish and reckless to explore an unknown cave.

He realized that he had been too greedy and curious to leave the treasure alone.

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