Ai co-write: Virus, Vengeful pirates and Virus-researching polar bear?

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Kwazii was walking around the beach, he was on a campout with his grandfather, Calico Jack, he soon saw some fish in the water, they looked sick... he walked over "hey are you okay?" he asked petting one, it quickly bit one, and then coughed "Sorry, you scared me" the fish said "no worries, what's going on?" Kwazii asked "we just... feel sick" the fish said "Is there a nearby doctor you could go see?" Kwazii asked "Maybe, we forgot to look, we'll go do that" the fish said and swam off.

Kwazii walked off, and kwazii started to feel ill himself "ugh.." he said as he got dizzy and nearly fell as he was on his way back to the campsite, Pete noticed this and Squawked, calico Jack looked over and saw that kwazii was leaning on a tree for balance, he ran over "are you okay lad?"  he asked "yeah" Kwazii lied but Coughed right after, Kwazii felt his airways close a bit.

 Calico Jack was not convinced by Kwazii's lie. He saw that his grandson was pale, sweaty and breathing hard. He quickly picked him up and carried him to the campsite. "Pete, Squawk, we need to get Kwazii to the Octopod right away!" he shouted. "What's wrong with him?" Pete asked, flying beside him. "I don't know, but he looks very sick. Maybe he caught something from those fish he was talking to earlier." Calico Jack said. "Fish? What fish?" Squawk asked, perching on his shoulder. "Some fish that were swimming near the shore. They looked sick too." Calico Jack said.

He reached the campsite and put Kwazii in his hammock. He grabbed his radio and called the Octopod. "Octonauts, this is Calico Jack. I need your help. Kwazii is very ill and I don't know what's wrong with him." he said urgently. "Calico Jack, this is Captain Barnacles. We're on our way. What are his symptoms?" Barnacles asked. "He's pale, sweaty, dizzy, coughing and having trouble breathing." Calico Jack said. "That sounds serious. We'll be there as soon as we can." Barnacles said. "Thank you, Captain. Hurry, please." Calico Jack said.

He hung up the radio and looked at Kwazii, who was lying in his hammock, shivering and wheezing. He felt his forehead and found it burning hot. He wet a cloth with some water and put it on his forehead. He stroked his hair and whispered soothing words to him. "Don't worry, lad. You'll be fine. The Octonauts are coming to help you." he said. "Grandpa..." Kwazii muttered weakly. "I'm here, lad. I'm here." Calico Jack said.

He hoped that the Octonauts would arrive soon and find a cure for Kwazii's mysterious illness before it was too late.

Kwazii began to cough again, he also began to gasp as his breathing got worse, Calico Jack noticed this quickly.

he also saw the gup A arrive with Barnacles and peso inside.

 Calico Jack waved at the gup A as it landed near the campsite. Barnacles and Peso jumped out and ran towards him. "Calico Jack, where's Kwazii?" Barnacles asked. "He's in his hammock, over there." Calico Jack pointed. "He's getting worse by the minute." he added. "Let's go check on him." Peso said, grabbing his medical bag. They followed Calico Jack to Kwazii's hammock and saw him lying there, barely conscious. "Kwazii!" Barnacles exclaimed. "Captain...Peso..." Kwazii whispered. "We're here, Kwazii. We're here to help you." Peso said, putting his stethoscope on Kwazii's chest. He listened to his heartbeat and his breathing. He frowned and shook his head. "He's got a very high fever and a very low oxygen level. He needs to get to the Octopod right away." he said. "Can you carry him, Captain?" he asked Barnacles. "Of course." Barnacles said, lifting Kwazii gently in his arms. "Don't worry, Kwazii. You'll be OK." he said softly.

They hurried back to the gup A, with Calico Jack, Pete and Squawk following them. They put Kwazii on a stretcher and hooked him up to an oxygen mask. Peso gave him an injection of antibiotics and antivirals. He hoped that they would work against whatever was causing Kwazii's illness. He looked at Calico Jack and said, "You should come with us, Calico Jack. You might have been exposed to the same thing as Kwazii." he said. "I'm fine, lad. I'm fine." Calico Jack said. "But you were near those fish too, right?" Peso asked. "Yes, but I didn't touch them or anything." Calico Jack said. "Still, it's better to be safe than sorry." Peso said. "Please, come with us." he insisted. Calico Jack nodded reluctantly. He didn't want to leave his campsite unattended, but he also didn't want to risk getting sick or infecting others.

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