AI co-write: deadly gas in sunken ship

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

🔠above and beyond timeline🔠

One day, Kwazii was on a mission to explore a sunken ship, he looked around, it was a cool ship, he found a part of the ship unflooded, he turned off his helmet, as not to waste the air in it, he walked around the room, why wasn't this area flooded? he accidentally stepped on a trap, he saw a gas coming and filling the room, he began to cough and wheeze when it got close, he tried to stay away but he couldn't get out of the room, the trap door he got in from had wood fallen onto it soon after the gas started filling the room, Kwazii turned to his octo-watch and went to sound the octo-alert, but called his grandfather and Dashi accidently, he coughed and gasped as the call started "Opps..." he coughed out, beginning to collapse "Kwazii, Lad?" Calico Jack looked at the screen from his own octo-watch "Kwazii?" Dashi asked "did you mean to sound the octo-alert, are you okay?" she asked, Kwazii only managed to nod and cough out:


Calico Jack and Dashi were shocked to see Kwazii in such a state. They could see that he was trapped in a room filled with toxic gas, and that he was having trouble breathing.

"Kwazii, hang in there," Calico Jack said. "We're coming to get you."

"Dashi, sound the Octo-Alert," he ordered.

Dashi nodded and pressed the button on her octo-watch. The familiar sound echoed through the Octopod.

"Octonauts, to the launch bay," Barnacles said.

Calico Jack and Dashi ran to the launch bay, where they met the other Octonauts.

"What's going on?" Barnacles asked.

"It's Kwazii, Captain," Dashi said. "He's in trouble. He's trapped in a sunken ship, and there's some kind of gas leaking in there. He can't breathe."

"Oh no," Peso said. "We have to help him."

"Which Gup should we take?" Tweak asked.

"We need the Gup-X," Calico Jack said. "It's the only one that can break through the ship's hull and withstand the gas."

"Then let's go," Barnacles said.

They boarded the Gup-X and followed Kwazii's signal.

"Kwazii, can you hear us?" Calico Jack asked through the radio.

Kwazii was lying on the floor, barely conscious. He heard his grandfather's voice, but it sounded faint and distant.

"Grandpa..." he whispered.

"Kwazii, stay with us," Calico Jack said. "We're almost there."

The Gup-X reached the sunken ship and scanned it for an entry point.

"There," Dashi said, pointing to a weak spot in the hull. "That's where Kwazii is."

"OK, everyone, hold on tight," Barnacles said. "We're going in."

He activated the Gup-X's drill and pierced through the metal. The Gup-X entered the ship and followed the corridor to Kwazii's location.

They saw the wooden door that blocked Kwazii's exit.

"Tweak, can you open it?" Barnacles asked.

"I'll try, Captain," Tweak said. She used the Gup-X's claw to grab the door and pull it away.

They saw Kwazii lying on the floor, surrounded by gas.

"Peso, go and get him," Barnacles said.

Peso put on his helmet and jumped out of the Gup-X. He ran to Kwazii and lifted him up.

"Kwazii, it's me, Peso," he said. "You're going to be OK."

He carried Kwazii back to the Gup-X and placed him on a bed.

"Quick, give him some oxygen," Calico Jack said.

Peso put a mask over Kwazii's mouth and nose and turned on the oxygen tank.

Kwazii opened his eyes and saw Peso's face.

"Peso..." he croaked.

"Kwazii, you're safe now," Peso said. "You're going to be fine."

Kwazii smiled weakly and closed his eyes again.

The Octonauts breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well done, everyone," Barnacles said. "Let's get back to the Octopod."

They left the sunken ship and headed home.

Later, Kwazii woke up in the sick bay. He saw his friends and family around him.

"Hey, matey," Kwazii said. "What happened?"

"You got exposed to a toxic gas while exploring a sunken ship," Calico Jack said. "But we rescued you just in time."

"You were very brave, Kwazii," Peso said. "But you should be more careful next time."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause any trouble," Kwazii said. "I just wanted to see what was inside that ship."

"It's OK, Kwazii," Barnacles said. "We're just glad you're OK."

"Thanks for saving me, Octonauts," Kwazii said. "You're the best crew ever."

"And you're the best grandson ever," Calico Jack said, hugging him.

The End

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