Ai co-write: Special coat and Snowflame ivy

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⚠️just an au⚠️

💐made up plant: snowflame Ivy💐

one day, Kwazii was taking some paint for dashi, she was gonna paint with him, he tripped and the paint fell onto a coat, his grandfather's coat, Kwazii gasped and looked around, he saw his grandfather behind him.

Calico Jack turned around and saw Kwazii and the coat. He recognized the coat as the one he had worn for his first treasure hunt. He had given it to Kwazii as a gift, hoping he would cherish it as much as he did. He was shocked and angry to see it covered in paint.

"Kwazii, what have you done?" he shouted. "You've ruined my coat! Do you have any idea how much this coat means to me? It's a part of my history, my legacy, my adventure! And you've just destroyed it with your carelessness!"

Kwazii felt a surge of guilt and fear. He knew how important the coat was to Calico Jack. He had always admired it and wanted to wear it someday. He had been so excited when Calico Jack had given it to him. He had been trying to take good care of it, but he had tripped and spilled the paint by accident. He hadn't meant to ruin it.

"I-I'm sorry, Grandfather," he stammered. "I didn't mean to... It was an accident... I was taking some paint for Dashi... She was gonna paint with me... I tripped and... and..."

He couldn't finish his sentence. He saw the disappointment and anger in Calico Jack's eyes. He felt like he had let him down. He felt like he had lost his respect and his love.

"Sorry? Sorry is not enough, Kwazii," Calico Jack said coldly. "You have no style and no respect for my history. You don't appreciate what I've done for you and what I've given you. You don't deserve to wear my coat. You don't deserve to be my grandson."

Kwazii felt a pang of pain in his heart. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Calico Jack had never spoken to him like that before. He had always been kind and supportive of him. He had always been his hero and his friend.

"Grandfather, please, don't say that," he pleaded. "I love you, Grandfather. I love your coat. I love your history. I love your adventure. Please, forgive me, Grandfather."

Calico Jack shook his head and turned away from him. He walked out of the room, leaving Kwazii alone with the coat.

Kwazii felt tears welling up in his eyes. He felt like he had lost everything. He felt like he had no place in the octopod anymore. He felt like he had no place in Calico Jack's heart anymore.

He ran out of the room, clutching the coat in his arms. He ran out of the octopod, ignoring the calls of his friends and family. He ran into the forest, hoping to find a place where he could hide and cry.

He ran until he reached a clearing that was full of colorful flowers and plants. He saw a flower that looked like a snowflake with red flames on its petals. It smelled nice and sweet. He thought it might cheer him up a little.

He reached out to pick the flower, not knowing that it was actually a poisonous plant that sprayed him with its pollen.

He felt a sudden sting in his nose and throat. He felt a wave of dizziness and nausea wash over him. He dropped the flower and the coat and fell to the ground.

He didn't realize that he was in danger from the poison.

He didn't realize that Calico Jack was following him, worried about him.

He didn't realize that Calico Jack still loved him, despite their fight.

He didn't realize that Calico Jack would save him, no matter what.

Kwazii coughed, and struggled to breathe, he gasped and coughed, he looked at the flower, he looked closely at it and realized it was a snowflame Ivy, a plant that had poison in it, a plant that can kill him, he gasped and coughed, and passed out.

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