AI co-write: Sickness and...

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

One day Kwazii and Calico Jack were on a mission to check out something near the beach, some fish told the octonauts that something was going on over there, Calico Jack checked out the right side of the beach and kwazii took the left, where he found some fish...

they looked sick... Kwazii went over, he looked at them "are you okay?" he asked "uhm.... no" one of the fish said... looking up at kwazii, Kwazii saw one wake up, it had looked asleep, it also looked sick, it also looked scared he tried to pet it to calm it down, but it bit him...

"Yeow!" Kwazii growled and jumped back "sorry if I scared you little guy..." Kwazii said "yeah... sorry for biting you..." the fish said... 

"Did you try to find help?" Kwazii asked "yes... we failed" the fish said... Kwazii put them in a fish tank, he would take them to peso...

he carried the fish tank back to the Gup R, A sailfish gup that he and tweak had built, he saw his grandfather over there "I'm guessing the sick fish are the thing the octonauts wanted us to find?" Calico Jack asked, Kwazii nodded, Kwazii suddenly felt dizzy. 

Kwazii started to walk over so they could get the fish to the octopod, "woah.." he said nearly Falling, he leaded on the gup for balance. 

 Calico Jack noticed Kwazii's stumble and rushed to his side.

"Kwazii, lad! Are you alright?" he asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, Granddad. Just a bit dizzy, that's all." Kwazii said, trying to act tough.

"Maybe you should let me take the fish to the Octopod. You look like you need some rest." Calico Jack suggested.

"No, no, I can do it. It's probably nothing." Kwazii insisted.

He picked up the fish tank and walked towards the Gup-R. He felt a sharp pain in his hand and looked at it. He saw a small bite mark from the fish that had bitten him earlier. It was red and swollen.

"Ow..." he winced.

Calico Jack saw the bite and frowned.

"Kwazii, that bite looks nasty. You should get it checked by Peso right away." he said.

"It's just a scratch, Granddad. I'll be fine." Kwazii said.

He got into the Gup-R and put the fish tank on the seat next to him. He started the engine and drove towards the Octopod.

Calico Jack followed him in his own Gup. He was worried about his grandson. He hoped he wasn't infected by whatever was making the fish sick.

They reached the Octopod and docked their Gups. They were greeted by Captain Barnacles and Peso.

"Ahoy there, mates! We found the sick fish!" Kwazii announced.

"Great work, Kwazii and Calico Jack!" Captain Barnacles praised.

"Let me see them. I'll take them to the sick bay and examine them." Peso said.

He took the fish tank from Kwazii and carried it away.

Kwazii felt another wave of dizziness and clutched his head.

"Kwazii, are you okay?" Captain Barnacles asked.

"I'm fine, Captain. Just a bit tired, that's all." Kwazii lied.

He didn't want to worry anyone or admit that he was feeling sick.

He smiled weakly and walked away from the docking bay. He wanted to go to his cabin and lie down for a while.

He hoped he would feel better soon.

he layed on the bed, for a while, he started to cough, he also wheezed a bit, he started to walk down to the Kichen of the octopod, to get a glass of water, when he suddenly tripped, he also felt dizzy at that moment, Calico Jack looked over. 

Calico Jack was in the kitchen, making himself a cup of tea, when he heard a thud. He turned around and saw Kwazii lying on the floor, coughing and wheezing.

"Kwazii!" he exclaimed.

He ran to his grandson and helped him up.

"Kwazii, lad, what's wrong? You look terrible!" he said.

"I'm fine, Granddad. I just tripped, that's all." Kwazii said.

He tried to stand up, but his legs gave out. He fell back into Calico Jack's arms.

"Kwazii, you're burning up! You have a fever!" Calico Jack said.

He felt Kwazii's forehead and was alarmed by how hot it was.

"Granddad, I'm sorry. I didn't want to worry you. I thought I could handle it." Kwazii said.

He looked at Calico Jack with guilt and fear in his eyes.

"Handle what, lad?" Calico Jack asked.

"I think... I think I got infected by the fish. They bit me, Granddad. They bit me and made me sick." Kwazii said.

He showed Calico Jack his hand, which was now covered in red spots.

"Oh no, Kwazii. This is serious. We need to get you to Peso right away." Calico Jack said.

He lifted Kwazii in his arms and carried him out of the kitchen. He ran into Captain Barnacles on the way.

"Captain! Kwazii is sick! He needs Peso!" he shouted.

"What? Kwazii is sick? How?" Captain Barnacles asked.

"He got bitten by the fish we found. They infected him with some kind of virus." Calico Jack explained.

"That's terrible! Come on, let's go to the sick bay." Captain Barnacles said.

He followed Calico Jack to the sick bay, where Peso was examining the fish.

"Peso! We have an emergency! Kwazii is sick!" Calico Jack said.

Peso looked up and gasped.

"Kwazii!" he said.

He saw Kwazii in Calico Jack's arms, pale and sweaty. He saw the bite mark and the spots on his hand.

"Oh no, this is bad. This is very bad." he said.

Kwazii opened his eyes a little and looked at peso, but he fell unconscious, Calico Jack looked at peso "what's going on?" Calico Jack asked Peso, holding kwazii close... 

the end... 😈

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