AI co-write: harsh pranks and Icy danger

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⚠️just an au⚠️

1️⃣note to haters: Yes, Ik this was written on 7/18 and not 4/1 =-=1️⃣

Kwazii sighed it was April 1st, Kwazii walked down the Stairs, he looked around, he saw some paw prints on the ground and followed them, they led to the launch bay where a small box layed, he opened it, it showed a picture of the gup B, and a Picture of the gup B after a few crashes... Kwazii sighed 'really got to rub that in tweak?' Kwazii thought to himself, as he opened another part of the box and a few spiders came out with tiny pirate flags that had X's and tiny maps on them... Kwazii screamed, Tweak and dashi walked out laughing, Kwazii glared at them, before going to the gup B and driving away. 

Kwazii drove the Gup-B away from the Octopod, feeling hurt and angry. He couldn't believe that Tweak and Dashi had pranked him like that. They knew how much he hated spiders, and how much he loved his pirate heritage. They had made fun of him and his past, and he felt like they didn't respect him or his feelings.

He decided to go to a frozen lake that he had seen on the map. He thought that it would be a quiet and peaceful place, where he could be alone and forget about the prank. He didn't want to see or talk to anyone, especially the octonauts. He felt like they didn't want him around, and he didn't want them around either.

He reached the frozen lake and parked the Gup-B on the ice. He got out and looked around. He saw a vast expanse of white snow, glittering in the sun. He felt a cold breeze on his face, and shivered. He wished he had brought his coat, but he had left in a hurry.

He walked on the ice, feeling the crunch under his feet. He saw some fish swimming under the ice, and smiled. He liked fish, they were his friends. He wondered if they would like to play with him.

He saw a hole in the ice, where some water was exposed. He decided to try to break the ice and dive into the water. He thought that it would be fun and exciting, and maybe he would find some treasure or adventure.

He took out his pirate sword and swung it at the ice. He heard a loud crack, and saw a crack forming on the ice. He swung again, and again, until he made a big hole in the ice.

He grinned and jumped into the water. He felt a shock of coldness, and gasped. He quickly put on his helmet, and activated his jet pack. He swam around, looking for fish or treasure.

He saw a dark shape in the distance, and swam towards it. He thought that it might be a sunken ship or a cave. He hoped that it would have something interesting or valuable.

He got closer to the shape, and realized that it was not a ship or a cave. It was a huge creature, with a long body, a big head, and sharp teeth. It was a crocodile!

Kwazii screamed and turned around, trying to swim away. But the crocodile was faster than him, and chased him with its mouth open.

Kwazii panicked and tried to use his pirate skills and courage to escape. He dodged and weaved, trying to avoid the crocodile's jaws. He looked for an exit or a hiding place, but he couldn't find any.

He realized that he was trapped in the frozen lake, with no way out. And he was alone, with no one to help him.

He wished that he hadn't run away from the octonauts. He wished that he had forgiven them for their prank. He wished that he had stayed with them at the Octopod.

He wondered if they would ever find him, or if they would even miss him.

He wondered if he would ever see them again.

Kwazii whimpered, he started to feel cold... he tried to find the hole he had made, he did see where he had dived but the ice froze over and he didn't bring his sword into the water... the crocodile lunged at him, Kwazii managed to dodge but his helmet cracked when he hit a piece of underwater ice...  

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