AI co-write: tsunami And earthquake pirate knockout

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⚠️just an au⚠️

🔠above and beyond timeline🔠

One day, Calico Jack and Kwazii were visiting the Pacific Ocean, Helping critters who randomly been washed away by some waves, Kwazii looked underwater, the ground looked like it was shaking, when the ground started to shake underwater, fish started to swim away from things that came apart "an underwater earthquake?" Kwazii looked at his grandfather, who was in the gup R, a Sailfish shaped gup, that kwazii and Tweak had built, the underwater shaking soon stopped, Kwazii coughed, the shaking had made tiny waves.

they looked behind themselves and saw a bigger wave, Kwazii tried to swim back to the Gup R.  

Calico Jack saw the huge wave behind them and realized it was a tsunami. He knew they had to get away from it as fast as possible.

"Kwazii, hurry! Get in the Gup R! There's a tsunami coming!" he shouted.

Kwazii heard his grandfather's voice and swam towards the Gup R. He was almost there when the wave hit them with full force. He felt himself being lifted up and thrown around by the water. He lost sight of the Gup R and his grandfather.

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Where are you?" he yelled.

Calico Jack felt the impact of the wave and tried to steer the Gup R away from it. He looked for Kwazii and saw him being swept away by the current. He felt a surge of fear and panic.

"Kwazii! Kwazii! Hold on, my boy! I'm coming for you!" he said.

He tried to follow Kwazii but the wave was too strong and fast. He couldn't catch up with him. He took out his spyglass and pointed it at the sky. He hoped someone would see his signal and come to their rescue.

Meanwhile, on the Octopod, Captain Barnacles was monitoring the mission when he saw a flash of light from Calico Jack's spyglass. He zoomed in and saw that he was waving frantically. He also saw a huge wave behind him and Kwazii.

"Octonauts, we have an emergency!" he shouted. "Calico Jack and Kwazii are in trouble! They've been hit by a tsunami!"

He quickly gathered Peso, Shellington, and Tweak and boarded the Gup-A. They sped towards the Pacific Ocean, following Calico Jack's signal.

"Calico Jack, what happened?" Captain Barnacles asked through the radio.

"Kwazii and I were helping some critters when an underwater earthquake caused a tsunami! Kwazii was swept away by the wave! I can't find him!" Calico Jack replied.

"Hang in there, Calico Jack! We're on our way!" Captain Barnacles said.

Kwazii looked around he couldn't see the gup or his grandfather anywhere, he tried to avoid debris that the Tsunami took off land that it passed by "HOW is there a lot of debris!?" Kwazii asked himself, trying to see and swim through it. 

Meanwhile, Calico Jack was looking for kwazii, but he couldn't find him "KWAZII!!" he called, he heard no reply..

Kwazii was struggling to stay afloat and avoid the debris. He saw pieces of wood, metal, plastic, and even cars and houses floating in the water. He wondered how far the tsunami had traveled and how much damage it had caused.

He felt a sharp pain in his arm and looked down. He saw a piece of glass had cut him and blood was oozing out. He tried to stop the bleeding with his other hand, but it was hard to do while swimming.

He felt weak and dizzy. He started to lose hope of finding his grandfather or being rescued.

" me..." he whispered.

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