AI co-write: harlequin duck on the frozen lake? what?

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

🔠above and beyond timeline🔠

One day, the octonauts were exploring a frozen lake, Kwazii walked around, he soon saw an harlequin Duck "what?... I don't think harlequins are supposed to be on frozen lakes..." Kwazii told the bird as the storm got worse...

he looked around and soon realized he couldn't see his friands, where are they? he couldn't see in the blizzard, and he saw some cracks in parts of the ice, he stayed clear of them for the most part. 

The harlequin duck looked at Kwazii and quacked. He seemed to be lost and scared. He followed Kwazii as he tried to find his way back to the Octonauts.

Kwazii tried to contact them with his octo-watch, but there was no signal. He hoped that they were safe and that they would find him soon.

He walked around the frozen lake, looking for any signs of the Octopod or the Gups. He shivered from the cold and the wind. He wished he had brought his winter coat.

He saw a small cave in the side of a hill. He decided to go inside and wait for the storm to pass. He hoped that it would be warmer and safer in there.

He entered the cave with the harlequin duck. It was dark and damp, but it was better than being outside. He found some dry sticks and leaves and made a small fire. He warmed himself and the duck by the fire.

He gave the duck some fish biscuits from his backpack. The duck ate them gratefully and snuggled next to Kwazii.

Kwazii smiled and petted the duck. He named him Quacky.

"Quacky, I'm glad I found you. You're a good friend." Kwazii said.

Quacky quacked and nuzzled Kwazii.

They stayed in the cave, hoping that someone would find them soon.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack was sailing on his boat near the frozen lake. He had received a message from Captain Barnacles that Kwazii was missing and that he needed his help.

He had a special device that could track Kwazii's octo-watch signal. He followed it to the lake, where he saw the Octopod and the Gups.

He docked his boat and met with Captain Barnacles and the other Octonauts.

"Calico Jack! Thank you for coming! We need your help!" Captain Barnacles said.

"What's wrong, matey?" Calico Jack asked.

"It's Kwazii. He's lost in the snowstorm. We can't find him or contact him." Captain Barnacles said.

"Oh no! My grandson! Where is he?" Calico Jack said, worried.

"We don't know exactly. The last time we saw him, he was exploring the lake with us. But then, the storm got worse and we lost sight of him. We tried to search for him, but it's too dangerous out there." Captain Barnacles said.

"Don't worry, Captain. I'll find him. I have a device that can track his octo-watch signal. It's faint, but it's there." Calico Jack said, showing him his device.

"That's great! Can we come with you?" Captain Barnacles asked.

"Sorry, matey, but it's too risky for all of you. I'll go alone. You stay here and keep an eye on the storm." Calico Jack said.

"Alright, Calico Jack. Be careful out there." Captain Barnacles said.

"I will, Captain. And don't worry about Kwazii. I'll bring him back safe and sound." Calico Jack said.

He grabbed his coat and his sword and left his boat. He followed his device to where Kwazii's signal was coming from.

He hoped that he would find him soon.

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