AI co-write: The Toxic Accident: Kwazii's light From Exile to Homecoming

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⚠️just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii was watering some of the plants when he knocked down a vile that somebody left out, it was some toxic chemicals, so some of the plants started to die, Kwazii walked out of the room, and some of Peso's friands that were about to leave cause they were feeling okay walked in to look at the plants, but saw they were dead.... one of them Collapsed, Shellington walked in and saw the mess.... he knew what kwazii had done, but he didn't know it was an accident... 

"CAPTAIN BARNACLES! PESO" Shellington Called, putting on an oxygen mask, Barnacles and Peso walked in and saw the mess, Shellington looked at them "Kwazii did this... he must have gotten them from my lab" Shellington sighed.... Barnacles went over to kwazii and glared at him....

 Kwazii was shocked and confused by Barnacles' glare. He didn't know what he had done wrong. He tried to explain that it was an accident, but Barnacles wouldn't listen. He accused Kwazii of deliberately harming the plants and the animals, and betraying the Octonauts. He told Kwazii that he was no longer welcome on the Octopod, and that he had to leave immediately.

Kwazii felt hurt and angry by Barnacles' words. He couldn't believe that his friend and leader would treat him so harshly. He didn't want to stay where he wasn't wanted, so he grabbed his hat and his spyglass, and stormed out of the Octopod. He didn't look back or say goodbye to anyone.

He swam aimlessly in the ocean, feeling sad and lonely. He wondered if anyone would ever trust him again, or if he would ever find a new home. He didn't notice that he was entering a polluted area, where the water was dark and dirty, and the air was filled with radiation. He started to feel sick and weak, but he didn't care. He just wanted to forget everything.

Meanwhile, on the Octopod, Peso was treating the animals that were affected by the toxic chemicals. He managed to save most of them, but some were too sick to survive. He felt sorry for them, and wondered why Kwazii would do such a thing. He knew Kwazii was sometimes reckless and mischievous, but he never thought he would be cruel or malicious.

He decided to talk to Shellington, who was examining the chemicals in his lab. He asked him where he got them from, and what they were for. Shellington told him that they were part of an experiment he was working on, to create a new fertilizer for the plants. He said he left them in a safe place, but Kwazii must have taken them without permission.

Peso asked him if he was sure that Kwazii did it on purpose, or if it could have been an accident. Shellington said he didn't know for sure, but it seemed unlikely that Kwazii would spill the chemicals by mistake, and not tell anyone about it. He said he was sorry for what happened, but he couldn't forgive Kwazii for what he did.

Peso nodded, but he still felt uneasy. He wondered if there was more to the story than they knew. He decided to check the security cameras in the garden, to see if they could shed some light on what really happened.

He went to the control room, where Tweak was monitoring the Octopod's systems. He asked her if he could see the footage from the garden's camera. Tweak agreed, and played back the video from earlier that day.

They watched as Kwazii entered the garden with a watering can. They saw him watering some of the plants with a smile on his face. They saw him accidentally knock down a vial that was on a shelf near the door. They saw him look at the vial with surprise and horror, as it spilled its contents on the floor and on some of the plants. They saw him panic and try to clean up the mess, but it was too late. The plants started to wilt and die, and some of the animals started to cough and wheeze.

They saw him run out of the room in fear and shame, without telling anyone what happened. They saw Shellington enter the room shortly after, followed by Barnacles and Peso. They saw Barnacles confront Kwazii and accuse him of doing it on purpose. They saw Kwazii deny it and try to explain himself, but Barnacles wouldn't listen. They saw Kwazii leave the Octopod in anger and sadness.

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