AI co-write: Poachers and Pit viper Snakes

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⚠️just an au⚠️

🔠above and beyond timeline🔠

One day, Kwazii was on a solo mission, to set some creature free from Poachers, he found a Pit viper snake trapped in a net, he started to set it free when it bit him, he growled, and sat near a tree not seeing the trap under it, the trap lifted him up using a rope that tied around his leg, he soon saw a Poacher... coming closer to him.

Kwazii quickly pressed a Button on his octo-watch, he meant to sound the octo-alert but he called Calico Jack instead "hi.... Kwazii?" calico Jack looked at kwazii through the screen and noticed something was wrong "are you okay, lad?" Calico Jack asked "oops... Sorry granddad.... meant to sound the octo-alert" Kwazii coughed.  

Calico Jack frowned as he saw Kwazii hanging upside down from a tree, with a net around him and a poacher approaching him. He also noticed the bite mark on Kwazii's arm and realized he was in danger. "Don't worry, lad, I'm on my way!" he said, grabbing his hat and his parrot Pete. He jumped into his Gup-R and sped off towards Kwazii's location.

Meanwhile, the poacher reached Kwazii and smirked. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? A rare cat pirate? You'll fetch a good price on the black market, matey." He said, reaching for his knife to cut the net. Kwazii glared at him and tried to kick him, but he was too weak from the snake venom. "Leave me alone, you scurvy dog!" he shouted.

Just then, Calico Jack arrived and saw the scene. He quickly parked his Gup-R behind some bushes and sneaked up behind the poacher. He whistled to Pete and gave him a signal. Pete flew over to Kwazii and started to peck at the rope that held him. The poacher heard the noise and turned around, only to be met with Calico Jack's fist. He fell to the ground with a thud.

"Granddad!" Kwazii exclaimed, as Pete freed him from the net. He fell into Calico Jack's arms, who hugged him tightly. "Are you alright, lad?" Calico Jack asked, worried. "I'm fine, granddad, thanks to you." Kwazii said, smiling weakly. "But I need some help with this snake bite." He added, pointing to his arm.

Calico Jack nodded and carried him to his Gup-R. He opened a compartment and took out some herbs and bandages. He applied them to Kwazii's wound and wrapped it up. "This should help with the pain and the swelling." He said. "But we need to get you back to the Octopod for proper treatment." He added.

He started the engine and drove back to the Octopod, with Pete following them. Along the way, he called Captain Barnacles and told him what happened. The captain thanked him for saving Kwazii and told him to hurry back.

Soon, they reached the Octopod and were greeted by the other Octonauts. They helped Kwazii out of the Gup-R and took him to Peso's sick bay. Peso examined him and gave him some anti-venom. He assured Calico Jack that Kwazii would be fine after some rest.

Calico Jack smiled and thanked Peso. He then went to Kwazii's side and held his paw. "You're a brave pirate, lad." He said proudly. "But next time, be more careful." He added gently.

Kwazii nodded and hugged him. "I will, granddad." He said gratefully. "And thank you for saving me." He added.

Calico Jack kissed his forehead and smiled. "Anytime, lad." He said lovingly.

The end.

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