AI co-write: 🐚Coral snake to emotionless and half-human?🐚

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⚠️just an au⚠️

🛑TW: Half-human kwazii au🛑

One day, Kwazii was swimming around looking for Seashells to give to the octonauts, and a few for his own collection, he didn't notice the nearby Coral snake, or that he accidentally stepped on it, and it bit his leg, he growled... and started to swim up, he got to the surface and turned off his helmet, but he got dizzy, and started to feel too weak to swim.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack was on a nearby Island... he was about to take a cat nap.... when he saw Kwazii in the water... he looked at him...

Calico Jack quickly grabbed his spyglass and looked closer at Kwazii. He saw that he was pale, sweating, and barely moving. He realized that something was wrong and jumped into his boat. He rowed as fast as he could towards Kwazii, hoping to reach him in time. He shouted his name, but Kwazii didn't respond. He was losing consciousness.

Calico Jack reached Kwazii and pulled him into his boat. He checked his pulse and breathing. They were weak, but still there. He looked at his leg and saw two small puncture wounds. He recognized them as the marks of a venomous sea snake. He knew he had to act fast or Kwazii would die.

He took out his first aid kit and wrapped a bandage around Kwazii's leg, above the bite, to slow down the spread of the venom. He also gave him some water and a painkiller. He hoped that would help him until he could get him to the Octopod.

He started the engine of his boat and sped towards the Octopod's location. He contacted them on his radio and told them what happened. They said they would be ready to receive him and Kwazii.

He prayed that he would make it in time. He held Kwazii's hand and whispered words of encouragement. He told him to hang in there, that he loved him, that he was proud of him, that he was his brave grandson.

He hoped that Kwazii could hear him. He hoped that he would be okay.

suddenly, the radio on Kwazii's collar started turned on "Kwazii... Kwazii are you there?" Calico Jack heard a voice, Kwazii opened his eyes slightly, and showed signs that he heard it to... but Kwazii didn't reply he only said one thing "Barnacles..." calico Jack was relived to hear kwazii's voice, a sign he was alive, but Kwazii's voice sounded weak... it scared calico jack, he looked at his grandson "hello? whose on the radio?" he asked "uhm... Captain Barnacles... who are you? I know your voice but I can't tell who you are" the voice on the radio said....

Calico Jack realized that it was the Octonauts' captain who was calling. He remembered meeting him when he visited the Octopod with Kwazii. He was a polar bear who wore a blue hat and uniform. He seemed to be a good leader and a good friend to Kwazii.

He picked up the radio and answered. "Captain Barnacles, this is Calico Jack, Kwazii's grandfather. I'm sorry to say that Kwazii has been bitten by a venomous sea snake and he's in bad shape. I'm bringing him to the Octopod as fast as I can. How far are you?"

There was a pause on the other end of the radio. Calico Jack could hear some background noise, like someone was moving around or talking. He guessed that the other Octonauts were preparing for their arrival.

Then, Captain Barnacles spoke again. "Calico Jack, we're glad to hear from you. We're very sorry to hear about Kwazii. We're ready to help him as soon as you get here. We're about ten minutes away from your location. Can you see us on your radar?"

Calico Jack looked at his radar screen and saw a blip that indicated the Octopod's position. He saw that it was moving towards him. He felt a surge of relief and hope.

"Yes, I can see you, Captain. We'll be there in no time. Please, hurry."

"We're on our way, Calico Jack. Hang in there, Kwazii. We're coming for you."

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