AI co-write: Rock slide Injury

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⚠️just an au⚠️

one day kwazii was on a mission to warn some creatures of the up-coming storm, he was nearly finished when it started, he started to help creatures who needed help during the storm, suddenly, some rocks started to fall, Kwazii tried to dodge them, but he got knocked down by a rock and his leg got pinned by two large rocks, he couldn't move, and more rocks were falling, he growled, he was alone...

Meanwhile, Calico Jack was on the same island, finding a place for a cat nap "Should have checked the weather report" he told himself... he looked at the pouring rain and clouds in the sky, he sighed "can't nap in this weather" he sighed. 

Calico Jack decided to look for a shelter to wait out the storm. He walked around the island, looking for a cave or a hut. He heard a loud rumble and looked up. He saw a rock slide coming down the hill.

"Blimey! That's not good!" he exclaimed.

He ran away from the falling rocks, hoping to find a safe spot. He heard a faint cry for help and stopped. He listened carefully and heard it again.

"Help! Help! Somebody help me!" the voice said.

It sounded familiar. It sounded like Kwazii.

"Kwazii? Kwazii, lad, is that you?" Calico Jack called.

"Granddad? Granddad, is that you?" Kwazii answered.

"Yes, lad, it's me. Where are you?" Calico Jack asked.

"I'm over here, Granddad. I'm stuck under some rocks. I can't move." Kwazii said.

Calico Jack followed Kwazii's voice and found him buried under a pile of rocks. He saw his head and one arm sticking out. He looked pale and scared.

"Kwazii! Oh, lad, I'm so glad you're alive!" Calico Jack said.

He ran to his grandson and hugged him.

"Granddad! You came to save me!" Kwazii said.

"Of course I did, matey. You're my grandson. I love you." Calico Jack said.

He looked at Kwazii's leg and saw that it was pinned by two large rocks. He saw blood dripping from it.

"Kwazii, your leg. It looks bad." he said.

"It hurts, Granddad. It hurts a lot." Kwazii said.

"Don't worry, lad. I'll get you out of here." Calico Jack said.

Calico Jack tried to move the rocks, but they were heavy and when he did, he only saw more blood, he looked at kwazii and saw he was losing consciousness. 

 Calico Jack realized he couldn't move the rocks by himself. He needed help. He looked around and saw his Gup parked nearby. He had left it there when he went for a walk.

He ran to his Gup and grabbed his radio. He tried to contact the Octopod.

"Octopod, Octopod, this is Calico Jack. Do you copy?" he said.

He waited for a response, but heard only static.

"Octopod, Octopod, can you hear me? I need help. Kwazii is in trouble." he said.

He tried again and again, but got no answer.

He cursed and threw the radio on the seat. He looked at the stormy sky and realized that it was interfering with the signal.

He had to find another way to get help.

He looked at his Gup and got an idea. He got in the driver's seat and started the engine. He drove towards the rock slide, hoping to clear a path for Kwazii.

He reached the pile of rocks and pushed them with his Gup. He heard them crack and crumble. He made some progress, but not enough.

He needed more power.

He pressed a button on his dashboard and activated his turbo boost. He felt his Gup speed up and hit the rocks harder.

He heard a loud bang and saw a cloud of dust. He stopped his Gup and got out.

He saw that he had made a hole in the rock slide. He saw Kwazii lying on the ground, still unconscious.

"Kwazii! Kwazii, lad, can you hear me?" he called.

He ran to his grandson and checked his pulse. He felt a faint heartbeat.

"Kwazii, lad, please wake up. Please." he said.

Kwazii didn't wake up, Calico Jack looked at the wound on Kwazii's leg, he had to find a way to close it... Calico Jack looked around, he had nothing to help kwazii, he picked kwazii up... and went back to the gup, he hoped there'd be something to tie around the wound, or at least something to wake kwazii up...

Calico Jack carried Kwazii to his Gup and put him on the passenger seat. He looked for something to stop the bleeding. He found a first aid kit in the glove compartment. He opened it and saw some bandages and antiseptic.

He took them out and went back to Kwazii. He cleaned the wound with the antiseptic and wrapped it with the bandages. He hoped it would be enough.

He looked at Kwazii's face and saw that he was still unconscious. He shook him gently and called his name.

"Kwazii, lad, please wake up. Please." he said.

He got no response.

He felt a tear roll down his cheek. He was scared. He didn't know what to do.

He decided to try the radio again. Maybe the storm had calmed down and he could get a signal.

He picked up the radio and turned it on.

"Octopod, Octopod, this is Calico Jack. Do you copy?" he said.

He waited for a response, but heard only static.

"Octopod, Octopod, can you hear me? I need help. Kwazii is in trouble." he said.

He tried again and again, but got no answer.

He cursed and threw the radio on the seat. He looked at the stormy sky and realized that it was still raging.

He had to find another way to get help.

He looked at his Gup and got another idea. He got in the driver's seat and started the engine. He drove towards the Octopod, hoping to get there in time.

he made it to the octopod, though the storm created waves, he got out of the gup and got kwazii He saw Barnacles near the door "Barnacles!" Calico Jack called "what happened?" Barnacles asked looking at kwazii "he got stuck in a rockslide... I got him out and bandaged the wound on his leg... but I don't know if it was enough..." calico Jack explained. 

Barnacles looked at Kwazii and saw that he was pale and limp. He felt a surge of worry and sadness.

"Oh no, Kwazii. This is bad. This is very bad." he said.

He took Kwazii from Calico Jack and carried him inside the Octopod. He ran to the sick bay, where Peso was waiting for them.

"Peso! We have an emergency! Kwazii is injured!" he shouted.

Peso looked up and gasped.

"Kwazii!" he exclaimed.

He saw Kwazii in Barnacles' arms, covered in dust and blood. He saw the bandage on his leg and the bruise on his head.

"What happened to him?" he asked.

"He was trapped in a rock slide. Calico Jack saved him, but he's been unconscious for a long time." Barnacles explained.

"That's terrible! Quick, put him on the bed. I'll examine him right away." Peso said.

He took Kwazii from Barnacles and put him on the bed. He scanned him with his medical scanner and looked at the results.

"Oh no, this is bad. This is very bad." he said.

Calico Jack ran in and looked at peso "is he going to be, okay?" Calico Jack asked, Peso looked at him and sighed... 

the end... 😈😈😈 

sorry :> 

oh wait... I'm never sorry for suspense.

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