Ai co-write: collapse of Sunken Ship Pirate rescue

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One day kwazii was swimming around the ocean, he swam into a Sunken Ship Kwazii looked around, he was in an Old sunken ship, Pieces of wood seemed to be falling, but Kwazii didn't notice, He looked back at the entrance he came in, from part of the ship had fallen down, blocking it "Uh, oh..." Kwazii siad as he started to look around for another exit, soon a piece of wood fell on him, breaking his helmet and trapping his leg, he tried to move it but he couldn't "HELP!" he called out before he Helmet was fully flooded..   

Meanwhile, Calico Jack was sailing on his ship, the Jolly Roger, with his parrot Pete. He had heard rumors of a sunken pirate ship that contained a treasure map that belonged to his old rival, Captain Cutlass. He wanted to find the map and claim the treasure for himself.

He spotted the sunken ship on his sonar and decided to dive down in his Gup-J, a submarine shaped like a shark. He put on his diving suit and helmet and left Pete in charge of the Gup-J.

He swam towards the sunken ship and saw a hole in its side. He entered the hole and found himself in a dark and dusty cabin. He saw a skeleton wearing a pirate hat and holding a map. He recognized it as Captain Cutlass.

"Ha! There you are, you scurvy dog!" Calico Jack said, as he grabbed the map from the skeleton's hand. "This treasure is mine now!"

He looked at the map and saw that it had a riddle on it.

"To find the treasure that you seek,

You must go to the island of the beak.

There you will find a cave with a skull,

But beware of the traps that make it dull."

Calico Jack smiled and tucked the map in his pocket. He was about to leave when he heard a faint voice calling for help.

"Help! Is anyone there?"

He followed the voice and saw Kwazii trapped under a piece of wood. He recognized him as his grandson, who he had never met in person.

"Kwazii!" Calico Jack exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"Grandpa?" Kwazii said, surprised. "Is that you?"

"Yes, it's me, lad. Don't worry, I'll get you out of here." Calico Jack said, as he lifted the wood off Kwazii's leg. He saw that Kwazii's helmet was broken and filled with water.

"Quick, put this on!" Calico Jack said, as he gave Kwazii his spare helmet. Kwazii put it on and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, grandpa." Kwazii said. "But how did you find me?"

"I was looking for this." Calico Jack said, showing him the map. "It's a treasure map that belonged to Captain Cutlass."

"Wow! A treasure map!" Kwazii said, excited. "Can I see it?"

"Sure, lad. But we have to get out of here first. This ship is falling apart." Calico Jack said, as he led Kwazii to the exit.

They swam out of the hole and saw the Gup-J waiting for them.

"Pete! We're here!" Calico Jack called out.

"Ahoy there, mateys!" Pete said, as he opened the hatch for them.

They climbed into the Gup-J and took off their helmets.

"Grandpa, this is Pete, your parrot." Kwazii said.

"Pleased to meet you, Pete." Calico Jack said.

"And this is your Gup-J. It's amazing!" Kwazii said.

"Thank you, lad. I built it myself." Calico Jack said.

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