AI co-write: Calico Jack's Game and strange glitches

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⚠️just an au⚠️

Kwazii was playing a game on his game-station, when he accidentally clicked delete on his grandfather's account, he tried to make a new account for him and reply his grandfather's progress, but Calico Jack walked in and tried to play on the other game-station and noticed his old account was deleted "lad... why did you delete my account?" Calico Jack asked.

Kwazii paused the game and turned to his grandfather. He saw that he was holding the game controller and looking at the screen with a confused and hurt expression. He felt guilty and scared.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry," Kwazii said. "It was an accident. I was playing your game and I pressed the wrong button and I deleted your account. I didn't mean to do it."

Calico Jack looked at Kwazii and felt a surge of anger and disappointment. He had spent hours and hours playing that game and he had reached the final level. He had collected all the coins, gems, stars, and trophies. He had unlocked all the characters, weapons, and outfits. He had worked hard and had fun. And now it was all gone.

"Kwazii, what have you done?!" Calico Jack shouted. "Do you have any idea how much time and effort I put into that game? It was my favorite game, my pride and joy! It was a masterpiece of gaming! And you've erased it!"

Kwazii tried to explain, but Calico Jack didn't listen. He continued to yell and scold, calling Kwazii a sneaky, unskilled, and irresponsible pirate. He said that Kwazii had no respect or appreciation for gaming or for him.

Kwazii felt hurt and angry by his grandfather's words. He felt like he had let him down and himself. He wanted to run away and never come back. He threw the game controller on the floor and ran out of the room, ignoring Calico Jack's calls.

He ran out of the Octopod and into the Gup-B, which was parked nearby. He didn't care where he was going, he just wanted to get away from his grandfather. He drove the Gup-B into a nearby virtual reality center, hoping to find some peace and fun.

But he didn't know that the virtual reality center was full of glitches and bugs, caused by a faulty program. As he entered the center, he put on a VR headset and chose a game to play. He didn't notice that the game was corrupted and that it would trap him inside.

Kwazii played the game, for a while, and when he tried to leave he noticed he couldn't turn the game off, he tried to take off the VR headset, but it caused pain, he whimpered and wondered why... 

Meanwhile, Calico Jack was playing the game with Barnacles "why did you restart?" Barnacles asked "I didn't Kwazii deleted my account" Calico Jack said, looking Guilty for something.. Barnacles looked at him "what's wrong?" Barnacles asked, Calico Jack sighed "I yelled at him and told him he was  a sneaky, unskilled, and irresponsible pirate, did I go to far..?" Calico Jack asked, putting the controller down. 

Barnacles listened and nodded. He understood why Calico Jack was angry, but he also felt sorry for Kwazii. He said that Kwazii probably didn't mean to delete his account and that he might have had a good reason to play his game.

He said that they should look for Kwazii and apologize to him. He said that Kwazii might have gone to his favorite places, like the kelp forest or the coral reef. He suggested that they use the Gup-A to search for him.

They went to the Gup garage and saw that the Gup-B was missing. They checked the Gup finder and saw that the Gup-B was in a virtual reality center nearby. They wondered why Kwazii would go there and if he was in trouble.

They quickly got into the Gup-A and followed the signal of the Gup-B. They arrived at the virtual reality center and saw that it was dark and quiet. They turned on their flashlights and entered the center cautiously.

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