AI co-write: Prototype, Harsh words and trauma

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⚠️just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii was looking around, he wanted to do something, he soon saw a camera, he picked it up, it had Dashi's name on it, it didn't look like Dashi's old Camera, he decided to clean it for her as a surprise, but as he was cleaning it, it malfunctioned and broke, Dashi walked in and saw that the camera was broken "kwazii why did you use my new Camera?" Dashi growled the other octonauts looked over "I-I-" Kwazii started but Dashi stopped him "I don't wanna hear it..." Dashi said running into her room, the other octonauts glared at kwazii...

Kwazii felt hurt and confused by Dashi's reaction. He didn't mean to break her camera, he just wanted to do something nice for her. He tried to explain, but no one listened to him. They all thought he was irresponsible and careless, and that he had ruined Dashi's new prototype. They told him that he was no longer welcome in the Octopod, and that he had to leave.

Kwazii packed his things and left the Octopod. He felt lonely and sad, and wondered where he could go. He decided to sail in his small boat, looking for some fun and excitement. He hoped to find some treasure or adventure, something that would make him happy again.

He spotted a pirate ship in the water, and decided to join it. He didn't notice that the ship belonged to his grandfather Calico Jack, who was fighting with some enemy pirates. He climbed aboard the ship, and saw his grandfather in the middle of a battle. He was happy to see him, and wanted to help him.

He saw a cannon nearby, and decided to use it. He thought he could fire at the enemy ship, and scare them away. However, he didn't know how to aim the cannon properly, and accidentally fired at Pete's perch. The perch broke, and Pete fell into the water.

Pete was scared and wet, and blamed Kwazii for throwing him overboard. He squawked and screeched at him, calling him a rude and selfish pirate. Calico Jack heard Pete's cries, and saw what Kwazii had done. He was angry and disappointed, and told Kwazii that he was a foolish and reckless pirate.

Kwazii felt hurt and rejected by his grandfather's words. He didn't mean to hurt Pete, he just wanted to help his grandfather. He tried to apologize, but no one listened to him. They all thought he was rude and selfish, and that he had betrayed his grandfather. They told him that he was no longer welcome on the ship, and that he had to leave.

Kwazii took his boat and left the ship. He felt angry and sad, and wondered where he could go. He decided to sail away in his boat, hoping to find a new home. He hoped to find some place where he would be accepted and loved.

He didn't realize that he was entering a stormy area, where the waves were high and the wind was strong. His boat got caught in a whirlpool, which pulled him down into the depths of the ocean. He struggled to escape, but it was too late.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack regretted being harsh on his grandson. He decided to look for him, and see if he was alright. He found out from some friendly dolphins that Kwazii was heading towards the stormy area. He also learned from them that Kwazii had accidentally fired the cannon trying to get on the ship. He felt guilty and worried, and called the Octonauts for help.

The Octonauts were shocked to hear that Kwazii was in trouble. They also learned from Calico Jack that Kwazii was just trying to clean the camera for Dashi. They realized that they were wrong to judge him, and rushed to save him.

Meanwhile, Kwazii struggled in the whirlpool, since he was in a small boat and not a gup, the boat didn't protect him from the harsh whirlpool or the water, he soon went unconscious....

Meanwhile, the octonauts had got to where Calico Jack was at the Stormy sea...

The Octonauts arrived at the stormy sea, where they saw Calico Jack's pirate ship. They contacted him, and asked him where Kwazii was. Calico Jack told them that Kwazii had sailed away in his boat, and that he was heading towards the whirlpool. He also told them that he was sorry for being harsh on Kwazii, and that he wanted to make up with him.

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