AI co-write: Lab mistake and Chemical effects on cats?

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⚠️Just an au, no hate please 🥲🥲⚠️

🔠Above and beyond timeline🔠

Calico Jack and Kwazii walked around the Labatory, they found it on an island they were visiting, Calico Jack looked around, his tail hit a couple of beakers, which had Chemicals in them, the chemicals fell on kwazii who came right behind Calico jack, Kwazii screamed as they burned hitting his skin, he coughed as he also swallowed some, it made him feel dizzy.  

Calico Jack turned around and saw Kwazii lying on the floor, covered in chemicals. He gasped and ran to his side.

"Kwazii! Kwazii! Are you alright, lad?" he asked, shaking him gently.

Kwazii opened his eyes and looked at him. He felt a strange sensation in his body, like something was changing.

"Grandpa... I don't feel so good..." he said weakly.

Calico Jack looked at the beakers he had knocked over. They had labels on them, but they were written in a language he couldn't understand.

"What have I done?" he muttered. "I don't know what these chemicals are or what they do!"

He picked up one of the beakers and tried to read the label. He saw a picture of a cat and a question mark.

"Maybe this is some kind of experiment on cats..." he guessed. "But what kind of experiment?"

He looked at Kwazii again and noticed something odd. His fur was changing color, from orange to purple. His ears were growing bigger and his tail was getting longer.

"Kwazii! You're... you're changing!" he exclaimed.

Kwazii looked at himself and screamed. He saw his fur turning purple and his ears and tail growing.

"What's happening to me?" he cried. "I'm turning into a monster!"

Calico Jack tried to calm him down.

"No, no, you're not a monster, lad. You're still my grandson. You're still Kwazii," he said.

He hugged him and stroked his fur.

"Maybe this is just a temporary effect. Maybe it will wear off soon," he said hopefully.

He looked around the laboratory and saw a computer on a desk. He had an idea.

"Maybe we can find some information on this computer. Maybe we can find a cure," he said.

He carried Kwazii to the computer and set him down on a chair. He turned on the computer and tried to use it.

"Let's see... maybe there's a file on these chemicals..." he said.

He clicked on some icons and opened some folders. He found a file named "Project C.A.T."

"Maybe this is it!" he said.

He opened the file and saw a document with some text and images. He tried to read it, but it was also in a language he couldn't understand.

"Drat! It's all gibberish!" he said.

He scrolled down the document and saw some pictures of cats. They looked normal at first, but then they started to change. Their fur changed color, their ears and tail grew bigger, their eyes glowed, their teeth sharpened, their claws extended, their muscles bulged...

They looked like mutant cats!

Calico Jack felt a chill down his spine.

"Oh no... this is what they were doing here... they were trying to create mutant cats!" he said.

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