AI co-write: Calico Jack's photos and love for kwazii VS storm

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⚠️just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii was doing something nice for his grandfather, when he accidentally clicked delete, Calico Jack had walked in while he was doing it. 

One day, Kwazii was doing something nice for his grandfather, when he accidentally clicked delete. Calico Jack had walked in while he was doing it.

Calico Jack saw Kwazii sitting at the Octopod's computer, holding his camera in his paw. He smiled and walked over to him, feeling curious and proud.

"Hey there, lad. What are you doing with my camera?" Calico Jack asked, his voice friendly and cheerful.

Kwazii looked up at him, feeling a surge of panic and guilt. He had been trying to upload some of Calico Jack's photos and videos to the Octopod's computer, as a surprise for him. He knew how much Calico Jack loved to capture his pirate adventures and memories on his camera, and he wanted to help him preserve them and share them with the other Octonauts.

But he had made a terrible mistake. He had accidentally clicked the delete button instead of the upload button, and he had erased all of Calico Jack's photos and videos from his camera. He had ruined his surprise and his gift.

He didn't know what to say or do. He felt like he had betrayed and disappointed his grandfather.

He tried to hide his mistake and his fear. He tried to act casual and innocent.

"Uh...nothing, grandpa. Nothing at all. Just...just looking at some of your pictures. They're...they're very nice." Kwazii said, his voice nervous and shaky.

Calico Jack raised an eyebrow, feeling a bit of suspicion and confusion. He sensed that something was wrong with Kwazii, and that he was hiding something from him.

He decided to check his camera for himself. He took it from Kwazii's paw and turned it on. He pressed the play button and waited for the photos and videos to appear on the screen.

But nothing appeared. The screen was blank and black. There was no sign of any photos or videos on the camera.

Calico Jack felt a shock of disbelief and anger. He realized what had happened, and he couldn't believe it.

He looked at Kwazii with a glare, feeling a mix of hurt and fury. He thought that Kwazii had deleted his photos and videos on purpose, and that he had lied to him about it.

He didn't understand why Kwazii would do such a thing, and he didn't care about his explanation or apology.

He felt like Kwazii had destroyed his memories and disrespected his pirate heritage.

He snapped at him with a loud and harsh voice.

"What have you done, lad? What have you done? You've deleted all my photos and videos! You've deleted all my memories! You've deleted all my pirate treasures!" Calico Jack shouted at Kwazii.

"I was try-" Kwazii started to say but Calico Jack stopped him "I don't wanna hear it.." Calico Jack growled, Slapping kwazii in anger. 

Kwazii was shocked and hurt by Calico Jack's reaction. He had tried to explain that he had deleted his photos and videos by accident, and that he was sorry for his mistake. But Calico Jack had not listened to him, and had slapped him in anger.

Kwazii felt a sting on his cheek, and a tear in his eye. He felt like Calico Jack had rejected him and hated him.

He didn't understand why Calico Jack was so angry and mean to him. He didn't deserve to be treated like that.

He felt a surge of anger and sadness. He decided to run away from Calico Jack, and from the Octopod.

He grabbed his hat and his Gup-B key, and ran out of the room. He ran to the launch bay, where the Gups were parked. He got into the Gup-B, which was his favorite Gup, and drove it out of the launch bay.

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