AI co-write: landslide and hidden allergic

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

🎨made up think: Milk-ski dye🎨

One day, Kwazii and Calico Jack were exploring a cave, when a landslide started "uh oh!" Kwazii said starting to run with his grandfather, to try to escape...

but the rocks and mud falling blocked the entrance of the cave.

Kwazii and Calico Jack were trapped in the dark cave, with no way out. "Are you alright, lad?" Calico Jack asked, checking on his grandson. "I'm fine, grandpa. Just a bit shaken up." Kwazii said, trying to sound brave. "Don't worry, matey. We'll find a way out of here soon." Calico Jack said, reassuring him. He looked around the cave, hoping to find another exit or something useful. He spotted a small hole in the ceiling, letting some light in. "Hey, look over there!" he said, pointing at the hole. "Maybe we can use that to signal for help." He took out his backpack and rummaged through it. He found a bottle of Milk-ski dye, a colorful liquid that he and Kwazii used for various purposes. "Aha! This might do the trick." he said, holding up the bottle. "What are you going to do with that, grandpa?" Kwazii asked, curious. "Watch and learn, lad." Calico Jack said, smiling. He opened the bottle and poured some of the dye into his mouth. He then spat it out through the hole in the ceiling, creating a rainbow-colored spray in the sky. "Wow!" Kwazii exclaimed, impressed. "That's brilliant, grandpa!" "Thanks, lad. Now we just have to hope that someone sees it and comes to rescue us." Calico Jack said, hoping for the best. He repeated the process several times, making sure that the dye was visible from afar. He then put the bottle back in his backpack and sat down next to Kwazii. "Now we wait." he said, putting his arm around his grandson. "And while we wait, why don't we tell each other some stories and jokes to pass the time?" "That sounds like fun, grandpa." Kwazii said, smiling. "Do you have any good ones?" "Oh, I have plenty, lad." Calico Jack said, chuckling. "Let me tell you about the time I met Whitebeard the Pirate..." And so they began to talk and laugh, forgetting their troubles for a while.

Kwazii started inching on his arm, he noticed that some of the dye fell on it and had a rash, he hid so his grandfather didn't see, he couldn't know that he was Allergic... that ruin every fun thing they did with the dye... 

 Kwazii tried to ignore the itching on his arm, but it was getting worse. He felt a burning sensation and saw that the rash had spread to his chest and neck. He started to feel dizzy and nauseous. He knew he was having an allergic reaction to the dye, but he didn't want to tell his grandfather. He was afraid that he would be angry or disappointed in him. He didn't want to ruin their bond over the dye. He decided to keep quiet and hope that it would go away soon. He pretended to listen to his grandfather's stories, but he was really struggling to stay conscious. He felt his throat closing up and his breathing becoming shallow. He knew he needed help, but he was too scared to ask for it. He closed his eyes and hoped for a miracle. Calico Jack noticed that something was wrong with his grandson. He saw that he was pale and sweaty, and that he was scratching his arm. He saw the rash on his skin and realized what was happening. "Kwazii, lad, are you okay?" he asked, concerned. "You look sick." Kwazii opened his eyes and tried to smile. "I'm fine, grandpa. Just a bit tired." he lied, weakly. "Don't lie to me, lad. You're having an allergic reaction to the dye, aren't you?" Calico Jack asked, gently. "How long have you been allergic to it?" Kwazii felt tears in his eyes. He couldn't hide it anymore. He confessed everything to his grandfather. How he found out that he was allergic to the dye when he was a kid, how he hid it from him because he didn't want to disappoint him, how he loved using the dye with him because it made him happy. He apologized for lying and begged for forgiveness. Calico Jack hugged his grandson and kissed his forehead. "Oh, Kwazii, lad, you don't have to apologize for anything." he said, softly. "You don't have to hide anything from me either. I love you no matter what." "You do?" Kwazii asked, hopefully. "Of course I do, lad." Calico Jack said, sincerely. "You're my grandson and my best matey. Nothing can change that." "Thank you, grandpa." Kwazii said, gratefully. "I love you too." Calico Jack smiled and wiped away Kwazii's tears. He took out his backpack and looked for something that could help him. He found a bottle of water and a pack of antihistamines that he always carried with him in case of emergencies. He gave them to Kwazii and helped him drink and swallow them. He hoped that they would ease his symptoms until they could get out of the cave.

Kwazii sighed and fell asleep, Calico Jack looked at him, the rash wasn't getting worse, but it wasn't getting better either, He looked at the entrance of the cave, and saw a gup breaking into the cave, he saw Barnacles and Peso in the gup, the polar bear and penguin hopped out of the gup. 

Peso looked at them and Noticed the Rash on kwazii, he looked at Calico Jack.

Calico Jack was relieved to see Barnacles and Peso. He waved at them and called out their names. "Barnacles! Peso! Over here!" he shouted, happily. Barnacles and Peso ran towards him and saw Kwazii lying on the ground. "Kwazii!" Peso exclaimed, worried. "What happened to him?" He looked at Calico Jack and noticed the rash on Kwazii's skin. He recognized it as an allergic reaction to something. He took out his medical kit and examined Kwazii. He checked his pulse, his temperature, and his breathing. He saw that he was stable, but still in danger. He looked at Calico Jack and asked him what had happened. Calico Jack explained everything to Peso. How they were trapped in the cave by a landslide, how they used the Milk-ski dye to signal for help, how Kwazii was allergic to the dye but didn't tell him, how he gave him some water and antihistamines to help him. He apologized for putting Kwazii in danger and asked Peso if he could save him. Peso nodded and reassured him. "Don't worry, Calico Jack. You did the right thing by giving him water and antihistamines. They helped slow down the reaction, but they're not enough to stop it completely. He needs a shot of adrenaline to reverse it." He took out a syringe and filled it with adrenaline. He injected it into Kwazii's arm and waited for it to take effect. He hoped that it would work fast and that Kwazii would wake up soon. Barnacles hugged Calico Jack and comforted him. "It's not your fault, Calico Jack. You didn't know that Kwazii was allergic to the dye. You were just trying to have fun with him." he said, kindly. "He loves you very much, you know." "I know, Barnacles." Calico Jack said, sadly. "I love him too. He's my grandson and my best matey." He looked at Kwazii and prayed for his recovery.

They looked up at the sky and saw that the dye had changed from rainbow to purple "that's how we used to have fun with it, Making a rainbow and watching it change to purple over time..." Calico Jack smiled, it was the special thing about the dye. 

They watched the purple dye in the sky, remembering the good times they had with it. Calico Jack told Barnacles and Peso some of the stories and jokes that he and Kwazii had shared in the cave. They laughed and smiled, feeling a bit better. They hoped that Kwazii would wake up soon and join them. Peso checked on Kwazii and saw that he was starting to stir. He saw that his rash was fading and his breathing was normal. He smiled and called out to him. "Kwazii, can you hear me?" he asked, softly. Kwazii opened his eyes and saw Peso's face. He felt a wave of relief and happiness. He tried to speak, but his voice was hoarse. "Peso..." he croaked, weakly. "You're here..." "Yes, I'm here, Kwazii." Peso said, happily. "And so are Barnacles and Calico Jack. You're safe now." He helped Kwazii sit up and gave him a hug. "How are you feeling?" he asked, concerned. "I'm feeling better, thanks to you." Kwazii said, gratefully. "You saved me, Peso." "No, I didn't." Peso said, modestly. "Your grandfather did. He gave you water and antihistamines before I got here. He's the one who saved you." He pointed at Calico Jack, who was standing next to Barnacles. Kwazii looked at his grandfather and saw him smiling at him. He felt a surge of love and gratitude for him. He smiled back and waved at him. "Grandpa!" he shouted, happily. "You're here too!" Calico Jack ran towards him and hugged him tightly. "Kwazii, lad, I'm so glad you're okay." he said, emotionally. "I'm sorry for putting you in danger with the dye. I didn't know you were allergic to it." "It's okay, grandpa." Kwazii said, forgivingly. "I'm sorry for lying to you about it. I didn't want to disappoint you." "You don't have to apologize for anything, lad." Calico Jack said, sincerely. "You don't have to hide anything from me either. I love you no matter what." "I love you too, grandpa." Kwazii said, sincerely. "You're my grandfather and my best matey." They hugged each other again and cried tears of joy.

the end...

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