AI co-write: Past lab and dangerous gas

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⚠️just an au⚠️

"Why are we here? grandad?" Kwazii asked, he feels something weird about the island, as if he was here before... "we're going to an abandoned has a hidden treasure that'll be fun to find" Calico Jack told kwazii, Kwazii fake smiled, he knew that his grandfather only wanted to have a fun adventure with kwazii, but kwazii could only remember what the lab had done to him... "okay..." Kwazii looked around the island, they soon found the lab and entered it, the lab had a bunch of traps and kwazii remembered where half of them were and managed to warn calico jack, which shocked him, suddenly Kwazii stepped on something that he actually didn't know was there, a gas started to fill the room.

Calico Jack felt fine, but the gas made it hard for kwazii to breathe.

Calico Jack saw Kwazii gasping for air and coughing. He realized that the gas was affecting him and not him. He wondered why that was, but he didn't have time to think. He had to get Kwazii out of there.

He said "Lad, hang on! I'll get you out of here!" He looked around and saw a door on the other side of the room. He hoped that it would lead to an exit. He picked up Kwazii and ran towards the door, dodging the other traps that were activated by the security system.

He reached the door and opened it. He saw a corridor that was dark and dusty. He didn't know where it led, but he hoped it was better than the gas chamber. He carried Kwazii along the corridor, looking for a sign of an exit.

He said "Lad, can you hear me? Are you okay?"

Kwazii opened his eyes and looked at Calico Jack. He felt a sharp pain in his chest and a burning sensation in his veins. He felt like his body was changing, mutating, rejecting him. He remembered the experiments that the scientists did on him, altering his DNA, injecting him with chemicals, testing his abilities. He remembered the pain, the fear, the loneliness.

He said "G-Granddad... w-where are we?"

Calico Jack said "We're in a lab, lad. A lab that has a treasure hidden somewhere. But don't worry, we'll find a way out soon."

Kwazii said "A lab... this lab... I know this lab..."

Calico Jack said "You do? How do you know this lab?"

Kwazii said "This is where I was born... this is where they made me... this is where they hurt me..."

Calico Jack was shocked and confused by Kwazii's words. He didn't understand what he meant by being born in a lab, or being made by someone, or being hurt by someone. He wondered what Kwazii's past was, and why he never told him about it.

He said "Lad, what are you talking about? Who made you? Who hurt you?"

Kwazii said "The scientists... they made me... they hurt me... they wanted to use me... for their experiments... for their weapons... they didn't care about me... they didn't love me..."

Calico Jack felt a surge of anger and sadness for Kwazii. He couldn't believe that someone would do such horrible things to his grandson, to his best mate, to his lad. He wanted to find those scientists and make them pay for what they did to Kwazii.

He said "Lad, I'm so sorry... I didn't know... I didn't know you had such a terrible past... I wish I could have been there for you... I wish I could have saved you..."

Kwazii said "You did save me... you found me... you took me in... you taught me how to be a pirate... you gave me a family... you gave me love..."

Calico Jack smiled and hugged Kwazii. He felt a warm and fuzzy feeling in his heart. He was glad that he had found Kwazii, that he had taken him in, that he had taught him how to be a pirate, that he had given him a family, that he had given him love.

He said "Lad, you're my grandson... you're my best mate... you're my lad... I love you more than anything in the world..."

Kwazii smiled and hugged Calico Jack back. He felt a warm and fuzzy feeling in his heart too. He was glad that Calico Jack had found him, that he had taken him in, that he had taught him how to be a pirate, that he had given him a family, that he had given him love.

He said "Granddad, you're my grandfather... you're my best mate... you're my granddad... I love you more than anything in the world too..."

They both felt happy and grateful for each other.

They both felt like they had found their treasure.

The end 🐱

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