Ai co-write: Kwazii and Sarah Feir (Octonauts✖️fear street)

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⟪Just an au⟫

⚠️Kwazii is related to Sarah Feir in this au⚠️

Kwazii looked around, his grandfather was taking him to Shadyside high school, because he failed his last year of high school and Captain barnacles Was not giving much of a choice to him going, he walked inside and ran into A girl named Deena and a boy named Josh, he learned they were siblings and he became close friands with them, near the end of the day, after school he went to the Woods and Saw the Sunnyvale kids throwing things at the Shadyside bus, his new friands were on their!

Kwazii ran towards the bus, dodging the flying objects from the Sunnyvale kids. He saw Deena and Josh inside, looking scared and angry. He climbed on the roof of the bus and shouted, "Hey, you Sunnyvale snobs! Leave my friends alone!"

The Sunnyvale kids turned their attention to Kwazii, who was wearing his Octonauts uniform. They laughed and mocked him, calling him a fish-face, a pirate wannabe, and a loser. They threw more things at him, but he dodged them with his agility and skill.

One of the Sunnyvale kids, a Girl named Sam, threw a rock at Kwazii, hitting him in the head. Kwazii fell off the bus, bleeding and unconscious. Deena and Josh saw this and gasped. They ran out of the bus and rushed to Kwazii's side.

"Kwazii! Kwazii! Are you okay?" Deena asked, shaking him gently.

Josh checked his pulse and said, "He's alive, but he needs help. We have to get him to a hospital."

They lifted Kwazii up and carried him to Deena's car, which was parked nearby. They drove away from the scene, leaving the Sunnyvale kids in shock.

As they drove, Deena noticed a strange necklace around Kwazii's neck. It had a pendant shaped like an octopus. She touched it and felt a warm glow. She heard a voice in her head saying, "Octo-alert! Octo-alert! Octonauts to the HQ!"

She looked at Josh and said, "Did you hear that?"

Josh nodded and said, "Yeah. What was that?"

They looked at Kwazii and wondered what secrets he was hiding.

Sam ran over "I'm sorry! Peter asked me to do it" Sam told them, her nose was bleeding and she also had wounds from the crash "Wait isn't he an octonaut?" Sam asked, meanwhile at the octopod, they had gotten the octo-alert and tried to reply, but kwazii was not answering and they only heard the voices of the kid, they decided to call calico Jack and ask him if he knew "uhm, hi octonauts?" he said looking at him "are you with Kwazii right now?" Captain barnacles asked him "uhm, no why?" he asked "cause he sounded the octo-alert and is not replying, we hear other voices talking but they won't answer us either, this left calico Jack in shock, he didn't know where kwazii was. 

Deena, Josh, and Sam arrived at the hospital with Kwazii. They carried him to the emergency room and explained what happened. The doctors took Kwazii to a surgery room and told them to wait outside.

Deena, Josh, and Sam sat on the chairs in the waiting area, feeling guilty and worried. They looked at Kwazii's necklace and wondered what it was.

"Maybe we should try to talk to the voice in the necklace," Deena suggested.

"Are you crazy? What if it's some kind of spy device or a bomb?" Josh said.

"Or maybe it's a way to contact his friends or family. Maybe they can help him," Sam said.

They decided to give it a try. Deena pressed the pendant and said, "Hello? Can you hear us?"

The voice in the necklace answered, "Yes, we can hear you. Who are you? Where is Kwazii?"

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