AI co-write: Calico Jack's Pirate songs and Kwazii's run away to...

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⚠️just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii was working on a song for his grandfather in secret, he had his grandfather's guitar, he wanted to surprise him, but he broke one of the strings, trying to test it... Kwazii sighed and looked for a new string, and tried to fix it...

he failed... 

Calico Jack walked into the room and saw Kwazii holding the strings and guitar, the guitar only had one string missing, Calico Jack narrowed his eyes.

Calico Jack recognized his guitar and felt a surge of anger. He had used that guitar to sing many pirate songs with his crew and his friends. He had cherished it for years and had never let anyone touch it. He couldn't believe that Kwazii had taken it without his permission and had broken it.

"Kwazii, what have you done?!" Calico Jack shouted. "Do you have any idea how precious this guitar is? It's a family treasure, passed down from pirate to pirate! It has the spirit of adventure and freedom in every string! And you've ruined it!"

Kwazii tried to explain, but Calico Jack didn't listen. He continued to yell and scold, calling Kwazii a clumsy, tone-deaf, and irresponsible pirate. He said that Kwazii had no talent or respect for music or for him.

Kwazii felt hurt and angry by his grandfather's words. He felt like he had failed him and himself. He wanted to run away and never come back. He threw the guitar on the floor and ran out of the room, ignoring Calico Jack's calls.

He ran out of the Octopod and into the Gup-B, which was parked nearby. He didn't care where he was going, he just wanted to get away from his grandfather. He drove the Gup-B into a nearby desert, hoping to find some peace and quiet.

But he didn't know that the desert was full of dangers and creatures, such as scorpions that could sting him with their venomous tails. As he entered the desert, he saw a scorpion crawling on the sand. He tried to avoid it, but it jumped on the Gup-B and tried to attack him.

Kwazii panicked and tried to shake it off, but the scorpion was too fast and agile. It managed to sting Kwazii on his arm, causing him to scream in pain.

Kwazii looked at the Scorpion and Recognized it as a Deathstalker, Kwazii growled and backed away, Kwazii fell to the ground.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack stood in the launch bay, wondering if he went too far... "Calico Jack?" Calico Jack heard a voice say... It was barnacles "hi..." Calico Jack said, turning around "what's wrong...?" Barnacles asked, Calico Jack told Barnacles about the guitar and how he yelled at Kwazii, Calico Jack sighed as he finished "Did I go too far?" Calico Jack asked.

Barnacles listened and nodded. He understood why Calico Jack was angry, but he also felt sorry for Kwazii. He said that Kwazii probably didn't mean to break the guitar and that he might have had a good reason to use it.

He said that they should look for Kwazii and apologize to him. He said that Kwazii might have gone to his favorite places, like the kelp forest or the coral reef. He suggested that they use the Gup-A to search for him.

They went to the Gup garage and saw that the Gup-B was missing. They checked the Gup finder and saw that the Gup-B was in a desert nearby. They wondered why Kwazii would go there and if he was in trouble.

They quickly got into the Gup-A and followed the signal of the Gup-B. They arrived at the desert and saw that it was hot and dry. They turned on their water sprayers and entered the desert carefully.

They soon found the Gup-B, parked on the sand and covered with scorpions. They saw Kwazii lying on the ground, unconscious and with a sting mark on his arm. They were shocked and worried.

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