ai co-write: Whirlpool to Strandend

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⚠️just an au⚠️

🔠Above and beyond 🔠

Kwazii and Calico Jack were on the gup R, a Sailfish shaped gup, That kwazii and Tweak had built together, noticing something Kwazii jumped out of the gup, he looked closely at the coral, he thought he saw something in it but he must have been wrong Suddenly, a whirlpool caught them by surprise, Kwazii began to get sucked away by it. 

Calico Jack saw Kwazii getting sucked away by the whirlpool. He shouted, "Kwazii! Kwazii! Hold on, lad!"

He steered the Gup-R towards Kwazii, trying to reach him. He extended his arm and said, "Grab me hand, Kwazii!"

Kwazii saw Calico Jack's hand and tried to grab it, but he was too far away. He said, "Grandad! Grandad! I can't reach ye!"

He felt the whirlpool pulling him deeper and deeper into the water. He was scared and helpless.

Calico Jack saw that he couldn't reach Kwazii with his hand. He decided to take a risk and jump into the water. He said, "Hang on, Kwazii! I'm coming for ye!"

He jumped out of the Gup-R and dove into the water. He swam towards Kwazii as fast as he could. He reached him and grabbed him by the waist.

"Got ye, Kwazii! Got ye!" he said.

"Thank ye, grandad! Thank ye!" Kwazii said.

They hugged each other, relieved to be together.

But they were not safe yet. They were still caught in the whirlpool, which was spinning them faster and faster. They felt dizzy and nauseous.

They looked around and saw that the whirlpool was leading them to a dark hole in the ocean floor. They realized that they were going to be sucked into it.

"Grandad! Grandad! What's that?" Kwazii asked.

"I don't know, Kwazii. But it doesn't look good," Calico Jack said.

They tried to swim away from the hole, but it was too strong. They couldn't escape its pull.

They screamed as they were dragged into the hole.

They felt a sudden jolt and a flash of light.

Then everything went black.

Calico Jack coughed as he awoke on some kind of island, he looked at kwazii and saw he was still unconscious, he got up and looked over to the ginger cat who was his grandson. 

Calico Jack coughed as he awoke on some kind of island. He looked at Kwazii and saw he was still unconscious. He got up and walked over to the ginger cat who was his grandson.

He checked his pulse and breathing, and was relieved to find that they were normal. He said, "Kwazii? Kwazii? Can ye hear me, lad?"

He gently shook Kwazii's shoulder, trying to wake him up.

Kwazii groaned and opened his eyes. He saw Calico Jack's face and said, "Grandad? Grandad? Is that ye?"

"Aye, it's me, Kwazii. It's me," Calico Jack said.

He hugged Kwazii and said, "Ye're alright, Kwazii. Ye're alright."

"Where are we, grandad? What happened?" Kwazii asked.

"I don't know, Kwazii. I don't know," Calico Jack said.

They looked around and saw that they were on a sandy beach, surrounded by palm trees and exotic plants. They saw the ocean in front of them, sparkling in the sun.

They also saw the Gup-R, which had somehow followed them through the whirlpool and landed on the shore. It was damaged and covered in seaweed, but it was still intact.

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