AI co-write: Octonauts+Stranger things Crossover

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Kwazii was sitting with His grandfather in Hawkins, he didn't like it their cause years ago, he had escaped from a lab, his grandfather didn't know this, or that he had powers, he was scared of people finding out and using him or being sent back to the lab... he shivered in fear. 

Calico Jack noticed his grandson's discomfort and put a hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong, lad? You don't seem to like it here," he said. Kwazii forced a smile and shook his head. "It's nothing, granddad. I'm just not used to this place. It's so different from the ocean," he lied. He didn't want to tell his grandfather the truth about his past. He was afraid that he would hate him or fear him if he knew that he was a test subject with psychic powers. He had kept his secret for so long, and he didn't want to risk losing the only family he had left. Calico Jack frowned and looked into his eyes. He sensed that Kwazii was hiding something from him, but he didn't press him further. He knew that Kwazii had been through a lot, and he respected his privacy. He decided to change the subject and cheer him up. "Well, lad, don't worry. We won't be here for long. We're just here to visit some old friends of mine. They're very nice people, and they have some amazing stories to tell. You'll like them, I'm sure," he said. He was referring to the kids from Stranger Things, who he had met a few years ago when they helped him stop a monster from the Upside Down. He had kept in touch with them ever since, and they had invited him and Kwazii to stay with them for a while. He thought that Kwazii would enjoy meeting them and having some fun with them. He hoped that they would make him feel more at ease and less lonely.

He nodded and looked up as they arrived he knew one of them "E-Eleven!?" he looked at her, Did his grandfather know? did she tell him? he started to Panic.

Eleven saw Kwazii and smiled. She was happy to see him again. She had missed him and worried about him. She wondered how he was doing and what he had been up to. She felt a surge of affection and gratitude for him. She remembered how he had helped her escape from the lab and how he had protected her from Vecna. She knew that he was a good person and a loyal friend. She wanted to hug him and talk to him. She ran towards him, excited. Kwazii saw Eleven and felt a pang of fear. He was glad to see her, but he was also scared. He wondered if she had told Calico Jack about his powers or his past. He wondered if his grandfather would still love him or accept him if he knew the truth. He wondered if Eleven would still be his friend or betray him. He didn't know what to expect or how to react. He just stood there, frozen. Calico Jack saw Eleven and the other kids and recognized them as well. He was delighted to see them and greeted them warmly. He walked towards them with Kwazii by his side. He introduced them to each other and hugged them affectionately. He thanked them for their hospitality and praised them for their bravery and kindness. He told them how much he admired them and how much he wanted Kwazii to be friends with them. He was unaware of the anxiety and uncertainty that Kwazii felt.

"El... please say you didn't tell him..." He whispered to her "no, I know you have a fear" she whispered back, and he calmed down "thank you..." he smiled as he whispered it, Calico Jack smiled as he saw eleven and Kwazii talking, he didn't hear a word of what they said. 

Eleven nodded and smiled back. She understood Kwazii's fear and respected his secret. She knew how hard it was to trust someone and open up to them. She knew how much Calico Jack meant to Kwazii and how much Kwazii meant to Calico Jack. She didn't want to ruin their relationship or hurt their feelings. She wanted them to be happy and safe. She wanted to be their friend and support them. She took Kwazii's hand and squeezed it gently. She looked at him with compassion and reassurance. She hoped that he would feel more comfortable and relaxed. She hoped that he would enjoy his time with her and the other kids. She hoped that he would have some fun and forget his troubles for a while. Calico Jack saw Eleven and Kwazii holding hands and smiled. He thought that they were cute and sweet. He thought that they had a lot in common and that they liked each other. He thought that they would make a good couple or at least good friends. He was happy for them and proud of them. He wanted them to be happy and safe. He wanted to be their friend and support them. He invited them to join him and the other kids for some snacks and games. He looked at them with affection and encouragement. He hoped that they would have a good time and make some memories together.

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