AI co-write: Basically the same thing as before but different

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Calico Jack took Kwazii to Hawkin's to meet the kids he met, Eleven, mike, Will, Hopper, Joyce, Lucas, Dustin and Calico Jack had once fought a monster from the upside down, meanwhile kwazii was afraid to be here, he had been here before when he was in the lab, he had told none of the octonauts or his grandfather about his time as Thirteen, in the lab, only one person knew, Eleven... his friand, though Calico Jack didn't know the two knew each other.

As they entered the Wheeler's house, Kwazii felt a surge of anxiety. He recognized the familiar smell of the lab, the sound of the machines, the sight of the wires. He clutched his lucky charm and hoped no one would notice his nervousness.

Calico Jack introduced him to the kids, who greeted him with curiosity and enthusiasm. They were all eager to hear about his adventures as an octonaut and a pirate. Kwazii tried to act casual and tell them some stories, but he couldn't help feeling out of place.

He noticed that Eleven was staring at him with a mix of surprise and recognition. She had changed a lot since he last saw her. She had longer hair, a pink dress, and a confident smile. But he could still see the scars on her arms, the ones that matched his own.

He wondered if she remembered him, or if she wanted to forget. He wondered if she hated him, or if she still cared. He wondered if he should say something, or if he should pretend he didn't know her.

He decided to do the latter. He didn't want to ruin her new life with his old memories. He didn't want to expose his secrets to Calico Jack or the others. He didn't want to face the truth about himself.

He was Thirteen, the unlucky one. The one who escaped from the lab, but never from his past. The one who found a new family, but never a new identity. The one who was always afraid of Vecna, the evil scientist who tortured him and Eleven.

He hoped that Vecna was dead, or at least gone. He hoped that he would never see him again. He hoped that he was safe here, with Calico Jack and the kids.

But he was wrong.

Vecna was alive, and he was coming for him.

Eleven ran over to him and whispered "Thirteen! I knew we'd meet again..." she smiled, though nobody heard what she whispered to Kwazii, Kwazii was shocked she remembered "I see you found somebody your related to" she smiled as she whispered, nobody heard that either. 

Kwazii felt a rush of emotions as he heard Eleven's words. He was happy to see her again, but he was also scared of what she might say or do. He didn't know how to react, so he just nodded and whispered back "Yeah, I guess I did."

He wondered if she knew that Calico Jack was his grandfather, or if she thought he was just another friend. He wondered if she knew that he was an octonaut, or if she thought he was just another experiment. He wondered if she knew that he had powers, or if she thought he was just another kid.

He decided to keep quiet about everything. He didn't want to tell her more than she needed to know. He didn't want to risk exposing himself or his family. He didn't want to attract Vecna's attention.

He hoped that Eleven would understand, or at least respect his choice. He hoped that she would keep their secret, or at least not reveal it to anyone. He hoped that she would be his ally, or at least not his enemy.

He was wrong.

Eleven had other plans, and they involved him.

Eleven Took Kwazii, Mike, Dustin, Lucas and will to Mike's room, she wanted to tell them everything, since friands don't lie "guys this is thirteen, Aka Kwazii" Eleven told the kids, Kwazii looked at her in shock and fear "el...I-I wanted to keep that a secret" he told her with tears in eyes, he ran out the house, Eleven realized she made a mistake, Calico Jack saw Kwazii run out with tears in eyes, and ran after him.

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