Sarah Fier's Diary: A Fear Street Crossover with Paw Patrol and Octonauts

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

🖨️Ai co-write🖨️

✖️Octonauts❌Paw patrol❌Fear street✖️

One day, Calico Jack was driving Kwazii to school, Shadyside high, Kwazii sighed as he got out, Meanwhile, Everest Was also going to the same school, Shadyside high, Jake had taken her, she sighed going in as well, they accidentally bumped into each other "uhm, Hi my name is Kwazii" Kwazii said "I'm Everest..." Everest told kwazii.

Kwazii looked at her puptag "are you a paw patrol pup?" Kwazii asked her "Uhm, Yeah, how did you know?" Everest asked "I'm an octonaut, I saw your pup tag" Kwazii told her "Your apart of Barnacles crew?" Everest smiled, Barnacles had helped her in the Arctic, when she used to live there before becoming a paw patrol member "yeah.. you know him?" Kwazii asked.

Everest nodded. "Yeah, he saved me from a polar bear once. He's very brave and kind." She said. Kwazii smiled. "He's my captain and my friend. He taught me a lot about the ocean and the creatures that live in it." He said. They walked together to their first class, which was history. They sat next to each other and listened to the teacher talk about the Shadyside curse.

The teacher explained that Shadyside was a town plagued by a series of murders and tragedies that dated back to the 17th century, when a witch named Sarah Fier was executed for practicing dark magic. She cursed the town and its inhabitants before she died, and ever since then, every few years, someone would become possessed by her evil spirit and go on a killing spree. The teacher showed them some pictures of the victims and the killers, who were known as the Shadyside Killers.

Everest and Kwazii felt a chill run down their spines as they looked at the gruesome images. They wondered if they were safe in this town, or if they would become the next targets of the curse. They glanced at each other and saw fear in their eyes. They decided to stick together and try to find out more about the curse and how to stop it. Little did they know, they were about to embark on a terrifying adventure that would test their courage, their friendship, and their loyalty to their teams.

they soon went on a school trip, Cause Everest had joined drumming and so had kwazii, they thought it'd be fun... they had to go to the gathering of a girl that was murdered due to the Curse instead, they met the Sunnyvale kids, and learned they were bullies.

after school, they went Stright to their rooms, Everest looked out her window and saw a guy with a skull mask, she growled, thinking it was a Sunnyvale kid, Meanwhile, Kwazii saw Sarah Fier when he tried to sleep, he grabbed his phone to call Everest. 

Everest heard her phone ring and picked it up. It was Kwazii. She answered it and heard his panicked voice. "Everest, are you okay? I just saw Sarah Fier in my dream. She was whispering something to me, but I couldn't understand her. She looked so scary and angry." He said. Everest gasped. "Kwazii, I just saw someone outside my window. He was wearing a skull mask and holding a knife. I think he's one of the Shadyside Killers." She said.

They both realized they were in danger and decided to meet up at the school bus. They grabbed their pup packs and ran out of their rooms, avoiding their guardians who were asleep. They made it to the bus and got inside. They locked the doors and windows and turned on the lights. They hugged each other and tried to calm down. They wondered what was going on and why they were seeing these things.

They decided to call their teams and ask for help. They used their pup tags to contact Ryder and Barnacles, who were both surprised and worried to hear from them. They told them what they saw and asked them to come to Shadyside as soon as possible. Ryder and Barnacles agreed and said they would bring the rest of the Paw Patrol and the Octonauts with them. They told them to stay safe and hang in there until they arrived.

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