Ai-cowrite: The lost lab rat (Octonauts✖️stanger things)

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Kwazii followed his grandfather, Calico Jack into Hawkin's, Kwazii flinched, He had told nobody about his past, only one person knew, his past friand in the lab, Eleven, He didn't know if he'd see her ever again since they escaped, he had been too scared to tell ANYBODY bout his powers.

Calico Jack led Kwazii to the Wheeler's house, where he had arranged to meet with some old friends. He was excited to introduce Kwazii to them, and to show him around the town. He had no idea about Kwazii's past, or his powers. He only knew that he loved him, and wanted him to be happy.

He knocked on the door, and waited for someone to answer. He smiled when he saw Mike, who greeted him with a hug.

"Calico Jack, it's so good to see you. It's been too long."

He nodded at Mike, and returned the hug.

"Mike, it's good to see you too. You've grown so much."

He looked at Kwazii, and introduced him to Mike.

"Mike, this is my grandson, Kwazii. Kwazii, this is Mike, one of my old friends."

He saw Kwazii smile at Mike, and shake his hand.

"Hi, Mike. It's nice to meet you."

He saw Mike smile back at Kwazii, and invite them in.

"Hi, Kwazii. It's nice to meet you too. Come on in. The others are waiting for you."

He followed Mike into the house, and saw the other kids in the living room. He recognized Eleven, Will, Lucas, and Dustin. He also saw a new girl, who he assumed was Max.

He greeted them all with warmth and enthusiasm. He introduced Kwazii to them, and watched as they welcomed him with curiosity and friendliness.

He noticed that Eleven was staring at Kwazii with a mix of surprise and recognition. He wondered if they had met before, or if they had something in common.

He didn't know that they had a secret.

They were lab rats.

"H-Hi..." Kwazii siad Shyly, he was scared to be back in Hawkin's, but nobody knew he had been there before, Mike looked at him and then to Eleven, who Had told Mike about Kwazii already, about his past but Kwazii had no clue he knew "hey, your okay here..." Mike told Kwazii. 

Kwazii heard Mike's words, and felt a surge of doubt. He wondered if he was really okay here, or if he was in danger. He wondered if Mike was really his friend, or if he was his enemy. He wondered if he should trust him, or if he should run away.

He decided to stay calm, and act normal. He didn't want to cause any trouble, or attract any attention. He didn't want to reveal his secret, or expose his past.

He nodded at Mike, and tried to smile.

"Thanks, Mike. You're very kind."

He saw Mike nod back at him, and smile too.

"You're welcome, Kwazii. You're very brave."

He heard Mike's words, and felt a surge of suspicion. He wondered if Mike knew something about him, or if he was just guessing. He wondered if Mike had talked to Eleven about him, or if he had kept it to himself. He wondered if he should ask him, or if he should keep quiet.

He decided to be cautious, and change the topic. He didn't want to make any mistakes, or reveal any clues. He didn't want to confront Mike, or alienate Eleven.

He looked around the room, and saw a poster of Star Wars on the wall.

"Hey, Mike. Do you like Star Wars?"

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